A Week With the Jeffersons...
Hello, again! Today is a very special day in the Alphabet City, because today for the first time we are going to make the journey over the bridge to the new extenstion of Gillikan Hills. Now that the neighborhood's been growing, some of our more recent college graduates have decided that they might be more suited for a quieter living environment. Today we're going to be visiting Logan Jefferson and his new wife, Jenna.

Hi, guys!
Logan: Hey, there! Long time no see!
Jenna: Why didn't you come visit us at college?
I was a bit busy. Anyway, did I miss the wedding?
Logan: Nope. We actually just had it right now.
Another quickie wedding. Well, it is easier. Um...why am I seeing a bird?
Jenna: That's Twizzles.
Logan: He's my bird.
Jenna: That's right. He's your bird.

Oh, the wedding night.

You guys have been living in this house for like 27 hours. How did you manage to flood the bathroom already?
Jenna: Kind of busy throwing up here...

Ahh, so I guess it wasn't just food poisoning.
Jenna: Nope, I'm pregnant.
Logan: Hi, Twizzy! You're such a pretty bird...
Well at least you have an attentive husband. Say, are you playing with a puppy?
Jenna: Well, Logan gets an animal to be obsessed with. This is my new puppy, Nestle.
Nestle and Twizzles. Got a bit of a sweet tooth, don't we?
Jenna: What?
Never mind.

Jenna: Something feels weird...
You're in labor...

Aww, a green one! Those are some strong genetics.
Jenna: And that's not the only surprise...
What do you mean?
Jenna: Well, this is Luke...

Logan: And this is Amaya.
Ok, guys, here's a tip. Twins are no longer a surprise to me. You Sims have more multiple births than single ones.

Oh, wow. Everybody's growing up, aren't they?
Jenna: Oh, yeah.

Oh, boy. You guys got a climber!
Logan: Luke, no climbing on your crib!!!

Oh, yeah. You're proud of yourself now, aren't you?
Luke: Yeah!

Um, Jenna, I think somebody had an accident.
Jenna: Luke!
No, not Luke. The nanny.
Jenna: You have got to be kidding me...

Happy birthday dear Amaya...

And Luke...

Logan: Woo! Go Amaya!
Amaya: My hands are so cool!

Luke: Whoa, look at my hands!
Ok, everybody off to bed! You've both got a big day tomorrow.

Logan: Aww, man!
Way to go, Logan. Burning your kids' first day of school breakfast...

And you're just serving them the burned pancakes?
Logan: There's no time to make more.

Luke: Bam, bam, bam!

Amaya: Oh, you got me!!
Hey, no violent games!

There, that's better.

First day of school hug!
Jenna: Good luck kids!
Logan: Come on, you're going to miss the bus!

Off they go...

What's Nestle up to?
Jenna: She's watching for the kids to come home. She misses them.
Awww. So what have you two been up to all day? You both have the day off.

Oh, sorry....

The kids are home!!

Amaya: Why is my report card so bad?
Don't worry. It'll get better.

Amaya: I missed you at school today...

Oh, great. Luke's becoming attatched to Twizzles, too.

That bathroom is still flooded?
Amaya: My boots got all wet!
Well thanks for cleaning up, Amaya.

Jenna: I'm pregnant?
Oh, boy. Here we go again...

Logan: So we're having another baby?
Why do you guys always have these conversations over meals?

Oh, boy. Homework time!!

Oh, good. Logan didn't burn the pancakes this time!
Jenna: That's because I made them

Aww, a little fetch before school.
Amaya: Get the stick, girl!

Amaya! That's not nice!

Luke: Mysterious voice, look! I got an A+
Great job, Luke!!

Amaya: Me, too!!!

Even when you're pregnant, there's always time for red hands...

Jenna: It's happening again!!

Logan, your wife just gave birth. Stop making the bed and meet your...
Jenna: Daughter. Meet Kaydance.
Another green one, huh? That skin is never going to go away.

Aww, I'll give you guys a moment.

Wait, how did Kaydance get her own room?
Jenna: We split ours in half. Amaya's room just isn't big enough for her stuff and Kaydance's.

She is so cute. I wish I could stay longer, but I've got to be moving on.

Jenna: Yeah, Logan. Let's just let the bird fly around the house with our 3 kids. That's smart.
Logan: Hey, Twizzles needs his space, ok?
Tell you what. You guys get that bird back in it's cage, and I'll be back soon. Bye, Jeffersons!
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