It Must Run in the Family...
Hello, it's the mysterious voice here with another Alphabet City update!!! Let's see, we just did Jesse Mendoza's about we catch up with his younger sister, Reagan?
Hi, Regan! Did you have a good time at Shiz?
Regan: I sure did. I've missed you, mysterious voice.
Aww, and I've missed you too. Well, I've been with you through college, but I've missed talking to you. I was a bit busy with your neices and nephews.
Regan: What do you mean, you were there? Were you the one who made the cow attack me?, care to introduce me to your friend there?
Regan: Scott is my husband now. We just got married.
Out here? On the lawn? With no guests? That's so sad.
Scott: Well, you were here.

Oh, boy! Wedding night, baby!
Scott: Do you mind? We'd like a little privacy here.
Ok, ok. I can tell when I'm not wanted. I'm going to go watch the flies around your dinner.

Here comes the baby!!!!
Regan: Scott....Scott!!
I don't think anything's gonna wake that guy up, dear.

How cute!!!
Regan: It's a girl!!
Well congratulations...
Regan: Whoa, what's going on?

You had twins, my dear.
Regan: Really? Well that was unexpected.
Well you are a twin yourself. It probably runs in the family. Anyway, care to give these babies names?
Scott: This is our new daughter, Bridgette...

Scott: And our new son, Blake.
How sweet. Grandma Idina showed up for the babies' first birthday!
Scott: She's the babies' grandmother? Could have fooled me.

Well it looks like Bridget is bonding with her grandma.

Aww, there's her face! She's adorable.
Regan: Yeah, she is.
Can I see her brother?

Don't tell me he's eating his hand, too. What is it about the kids in this place?
Regan: I thought it was kind of cute...
It is cute. That's not the point.

Looks like a fun life.
Scott: Thankfully, they grow up tonight.
Then it's off to school!

Happy first day of school!
Scott: Here, here!!
You ready, Blake?
Blake: Yeah, but...who are you?
I'm the mysterious voice.
Blake: Ok....

Look at you, Bridget! All ready for school! Ready to get out of the house and leave Mommy and Daddy alone...
Bridget: You sound just like Mommy and Daddy!
Life's funny like that. I'm so proud of both of you.

Regan, the kids have been in school for one day!
Regan: I know. Scott and I had the day all to ourselves yesterday, and...
Your children are right there!
Regan: Oh, right.

Regan: Owwww....labor hurts!
Didn't you know that already? You've given birth before.

I'm seeing two babies again.
Scott: That twin gene is really strong.
Scott, are you sure you're not a twin?
Scott: I don't know. I might be. I have no memory at all before meeting Regan.
Unbelieveable. Anyway, what are your babies' names?
Regan: This time we got two girls, Hallie Anne and Jaquiline.
Oh, very nice.

Time to meet the siblings!

Do you like being a big sister, Bridget?
Bridget: I guess so...
Which one is that, Hallie or Jaquiline?
Bridget: Shouldn't you know? You are the mysterious voice...
You can't tell either, can you?
Bridget: Nope.

Hey, Bridget, would it have killed you to get dressed before your sisters grew up?
Bridget: Leave me alone!
Wow, those teen years must be around the corner...

Hey,, a little help here?
Scott: Jaquiline.
Hi, Jackie! Don't worry, I promise I'll learn your name.

Oh, good. They have different colored hair. That will make my life easier. Hi, Hallie!
Hallie Anne: Anne!
Oh, right. Sorry I forgot your middle name. You're the first one to really use one.

Ah-hah! See, I was right. Teen years were around the corner!

Hey, guys!
Bridget: What?
Blake: We're watching TV here.
Well, I just came over to say it's time for you two to leave for college.
Bridget: Can we finish watching TV first?
Ahh, the college bound student....

And the toddler years are over!!!
Regan: Yay!

How cute. A nice little Hannukah picture.
Scott: How did that thing get here, anyway?
Now Scott, in the grand scheme of things does it really matter? Anyway, it's about time I got moving.
Hallie Anne: What about us?
I'll be back to check up on you girls, so you'd better behave, ok?
Regan: I'll miss you, mysterious voice!!
And that about wraps up our visit to the Davis family. See you next time!
-Mysterious Voice

Hi, Regan! Did you have a good time at Shiz?
Regan: I sure did. I've missed you, mysterious voice.
Aww, and I've missed you too. Well, I've been with you through college, but I've missed talking to you. I was a bit busy with your neices and nephews.
Regan: What do you mean, you were there? Were you the one who made the cow attack me?, care to introduce me to your friend there?
Regan: Scott is my husband now. We just got married.
Out here? On the lawn? With no guests? That's so sad.
Scott: Well, you were here.

Oh, boy! Wedding night, baby!
Scott: Do you mind? We'd like a little privacy here.
Ok, ok. I can tell when I'm not wanted. I'm going to go watch the flies around your dinner.

Here comes the baby!!!!
Regan: Scott....Scott!!
I don't think anything's gonna wake that guy up, dear.

How cute!!!
Regan: It's a girl!!
Well congratulations...
Regan: Whoa, what's going on?

You had twins, my dear.
Regan: Really? Well that was unexpected.
Well you are a twin yourself. It probably runs in the family. Anyway, care to give these babies names?
Scott: This is our new daughter, Bridgette...

Scott: And our new son, Blake.
How sweet. Grandma Idina showed up for the babies' first birthday!
Scott: She's the babies' grandmother? Could have fooled me.

Well it looks like Bridget is bonding with her grandma.

Aww, there's her face! She's adorable.
Regan: Yeah, she is.
Can I see her brother?

Don't tell me he's eating his hand, too. What is it about the kids in this place?
Regan: I thought it was kind of cute...
It is cute. That's not the point.

Looks like a fun life.
Scott: Thankfully, they grow up tonight.
Then it's off to school!

Happy first day of school!
Scott: Here, here!!
You ready, Blake?
Blake: Yeah, but...who are you?
I'm the mysterious voice.
Blake: Ok....

Look at you, Bridget! All ready for school! Ready to get out of the house and leave Mommy and Daddy alone...
Bridget: You sound just like Mommy and Daddy!
Life's funny like that. I'm so proud of both of you.

Regan, the kids have been in school for one day!
Regan: I know. Scott and I had the day all to ourselves yesterday, and...
Your children are right there!
Regan: Oh, right.

Regan: Owwww....labor hurts!
Didn't you know that already? You've given birth before.

I'm seeing two babies again.
Scott: That twin gene is really strong.
Scott, are you sure you're not a twin?
Scott: I don't know. I might be. I have no memory at all before meeting Regan.
Unbelieveable. Anyway, what are your babies' names?
Regan: This time we got two girls, Hallie Anne and Jaquiline.
Oh, very nice.

Time to meet the siblings!

Do you like being a big sister, Bridget?
Bridget: I guess so...
Which one is that, Hallie or Jaquiline?
Bridget: Shouldn't you know? You are the mysterious voice...
You can't tell either, can you?
Bridget: Nope.

Hey, Bridget, would it have killed you to get dressed before your sisters grew up?
Bridget: Leave me alone!
Wow, those teen years must be around the corner...

Hey,, a little help here?
Scott: Jaquiline.
Hi, Jackie! Don't worry, I promise I'll learn your name.

Oh, good. They have different colored hair. That will make my life easier. Hi, Hallie!
Hallie Anne: Anne!
Oh, right. Sorry I forgot your middle name. You're the first one to really use one.

Ah-hah! See, I was right. Teen years were around the corner!

Hey, guys!
Bridget: What?
Blake: We're watching TV here.
Well, I just came over to say it's time for you two to leave for college.
Bridget: Can we finish watching TV first?
Ahh, the college bound student....

And the toddler years are over!!!
Regan: Yay!

How cute. A nice little Hannukah picture.
Scott: How did that thing get here, anyway?
Now Scott, in the grand scheme of things does it really matter? Anyway, it's about time I got moving.
Hallie Anne: What about us?
I'll be back to check up on you girls, so you'd better behave, ok?
Regan: I'll miss you, mysterious voice!!
And that about wraps up our visit to the Davis family. See you next time!
-Mysterious Voice
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