Cheaper by the (Almost) Dozen
Last time we saw Rachel Cohen and Adam Marquez, they had both left their childhood homes and headed off to college. Now it's time to pay them a visit and see how they've been doing since graduating from dear old Shiz University.

Hi, Rachel! Hi, Adam!
Rachel:Hi, mysterious voice!!
Are you happy that you have your own post now? You seemed to have some problems sharing with your sisters last time.
I work best alone.
Adam: Hey!
Except for when I'm working with you, honey!

Um, why are you guys standing in the bathroom?
Believe it or not, that was our wedding.
In the bathroom?
Does it really matter? The point is we're married.
I guess not, but it's still kind of strange.
A baby on the way?

What an adorable baby.
Why thank you, mysterious voice. This is our first daughter, Brooke Erin.

Hey, look everyone! Adam's sister Emily has dropped by to see her new niece.
We're really lucky to have such a supportive extended family.
Yeah. We have a lot of babysitters at our disposal.
You know, in addition to all the love and warmth...
Uh-huh. Sure, Adam.

Uh-oh. The toddler years have arrived!
And if that isn't enough...

Man, you guys just keep 'em coming, don't you?

Brooke sure is growing into a lovely young lady.
Well, of course she looks it here. She's sitting still.

You're such a great dad, Adam.
I try.

Wow, that was fast.
The time does fly by.

Another cute baby, guys!
Another girl, Stephanie.
Is Brooke jealous?
No, she's got other things on her mind right now.

First day of school?
Uh-huh. Not that my days will be too quiet with Steph around...
What a nice picture. Just like the one of you and your mom.
That was the idea.

Birthday time already?
They're never babies for very long.
Not that that's always a bad thing...
Stephanie looks like a bundle of fun there...
It's not always like this...

See? She's really happy here.

At least the girls seem to like each other.
This picture took 3 hours to take.

Yeah, that's a great example to set for the potty-training toddler, Nanny.

She sure loves that llama...
Well, you guys all seem to have a rather unhealthy obsession with them.

What? No birthday picture for Steph?
No, it went by so fast we forgot to take some.
So now you've got two girls in school.

How sweet.
Again, it took 3 hours.

What about this one?
Oh, no, this one was a peice of cake.
Yeah, for some reason they had no problem co-operating with the photographer...
And is that a maternity outfit I see on you, Rachel?
Yes, it is.

Wow, a green one!
Yeah, those are some strong genetics that my dad had.
But that wasn't the only surprise...
Here's our new daughter, Antonia...
and here's our other new daughter, Allyson.
Yup. Two little girls.

Happy birthday Brooke!
It was nice to have an extra set of hands to help with the twins.

Oh, boy, time for twin toddlers!
We're so excited.
I don't think it will be that hard for you guys. The look so sweet.

I guess I spoke too soon.
Really, now?

Poor little Allyson.
And it was her bottle to begin with.

Well, I guess now we know who the queen bee is in this pair.

At least Stephanie is setting a good example, right?
Yeah, it's funny how she was so much more willing to get along with her little sisters than her big sister.

I bet you're happy about this birthday, aren't you?
Well, it's always a little sad to see the kids grow up...
Rachel, tomorrow they'll all be in school all day.
You know, on second thought...

The twins look so happy about starting school.
Not as happy as we look behind the camera.

Again, Rachel?
You have 4 already. You know this, right?
You know, maybe it's time you guys started looking for a bigger house...

Sorry I missed moving day...
That's quite alright, mysterious voice. There wasn't that much to move.
Yeah, but thanks for all the new stuff.
Hey, that's what mysterious voices are for. Antonia sure looks happy about her new sibling...
I hope she's just as happy when the sibling is actually here!
Adam, stop talking to the mysterious voice!!! I'm in pain over here!

Make that "siblings..."
More twins?
Meet Faith...

and Dylan.
Your first boy! Congratulations.
I know. We were overdue with the 5 girls.

Wait a that...
Yeah, Steph is a teenager now and filling the role of head babysitter.
What about Brooke?
Brooke's been off at college since the move, I'm surprised you didn't notice.
One down, 5 to go.

Oh, boy, it's that time again...
Don't remind us...

Two more to teach to walk, talk, and use the potty...

Yeah, I can see that one's going over really well.

Please tell me this is some sort of joke, Rachel...
No, number 7 really is on the way.
But the twins are barely walking.
Tell us about it.

And it looks like our other twins are getting along famously...
They grow up really soon.
It should be before the baby comes.
I'm starting to think that you guys time these births so that you always have an available teen babysitter...

Watch out, we've got an escaper on our hands...
Those two grow up before the baby too, thankfully.

Only one this time, right?
Yes, only one little girl. Hannah.
Poor Dylan. Still the only boy...
Speaking of Dylan, weren't all the kids supposed to grow up...
On the same day, which happened to be right when Hannah was born.

Did Steph leave for college, too?
Yup. 2 down, 5 to go.
You do realize that you also had 5 to go after Brooke left, right?
I don't want to talk about it.

Another 3 hour photo shoot?
No, these two actually get along with each other.

Please tell me I'm seeing things. You guys have two teenager, two children, and a baby, and you got a dog? Not just a dog, but a puppy?
I know, but she was just so cute...
Are you talking about Sunny or Faith?
Both of them.
So I gather that the dog's name is Sunny?

Um, not that Hannah's birthday doesn't deserve a huge celebration, but who are all these random people?
Oh, those are just some guys from my office. They love a party.
Even an infant's birthday?
Don't ask...

What a cutie.
She looks just like Brooke and Steph.
Except she's a whole lot calmer...
Oh, yeah.

How cute, they match!
They really do look alike...

Rachel, this better not mean what I think it means...
Ok, I'm pregnant again.
You have 7 kids! 5 of them still live at home! You should be done by now!

Oh, here we go again. Here comes number 8, right?
Actually, make that numbers 8, 9, and 10.

Mysterious voice, meet Noah...


and Chase.
3? You had 3? You do realize that you still have 5 other children living there, right?
Actually, it's only 3 other children now. The older twins left for college.
Well, that's a little bit better. And that does even up the girl to boy ratio a bit.

Well, you've made it through the first stage...
Yeah, but it's the next one I'm worried about. 3 little boys at once...

Rachel, please explain the pajamas.
They're the last (I swear) of 10. They get some hand-me-downs, ok?
But lilac with flowers...

Man, Ethan and Sunnny sure are bonding.

Oh, what have we here? A little prodigy?
She is getting quite good.

Well, we survived the toddler stage.
Hey, when did Hannah grow up?
I don't even know. Sometime before the boys did.
Losing track of them, are we?
Faith and Dylan grow up tonight, though. Then it's off to college for them.
Well, great! I look foward to checking in with them later on. And I'll stop back here to check on Hannah and the boys.
Believe me, we'll need all the help we can get!

Hi, Rachel! Hi, Adam!
Rachel:Hi, mysterious voice!!
Are you happy that you have your own post now? You seemed to have some problems sharing with your sisters last time.
I work best alone.
Adam: Hey!
Except for when I'm working with you, honey!

Um, why are you guys standing in the bathroom?
Believe it or not, that was our wedding.
In the bathroom?
Does it really matter? The point is we're married.
I guess not, but it's still kind of strange.

A baby on the way?

What an adorable baby.
Why thank you, mysterious voice. This is our first daughter, Brooke Erin.

Hey, look everyone! Adam's sister Emily has dropped by to see her new niece.
We're really lucky to have such a supportive extended family.
Yeah. We have a lot of babysitters at our disposal.
You know, in addition to all the love and warmth...
Uh-huh. Sure, Adam.

Uh-oh. The toddler years have arrived!
And if that isn't enough...

Man, you guys just keep 'em coming, don't you?

Brooke sure is growing into a lovely young lady.
Well, of course she looks it here. She's sitting still.

You're such a great dad, Adam.
I try.

Wow, that was fast.
The time does fly by.

Another cute baby, guys!
Another girl, Stephanie.
Is Brooke jealous?
No, she's got other things on her mind right now.

First day of school?
Uh-huh. Not that my days will be too quiet with Steph around...

What a nice picture. Just like the one of you and your mom.
That was the idea.

Birthday time already?
They're never babies for very long.
Not that that's always a bad thing...

Stephanie looks like a bundle of fun there...
It's not always like this...

See? She's really happy here.

At least the girls seem to like each other.
This picture took 3 hours to take.

Yeah, that's a great example to set for the potty-training toddler, Nanny.

She sure loves that llama...
Well, you guys all seem to have a rather unhealthy obsession with them.

What? No birthday picture for Steph?
No, it went by so fast we forgot to take some.
So now you've got two girls in school.

How sweet.
Again, it took 3 hours.

What about this one?
Oh, no, this one was a peice of cake.
Yeah, for some reason they had no problem co-operating with the photographer...
And is that a maternity outfit I see on you, Rachel?
Yes, it is.

Wow, a green one!
Yeah, those are some strong genetics that my dad had.
But that wasn't the only surprise...

Here's our new daughter, Antonia...

and here's our other new daughter, Allyson.
Yup. Two little girls.

Happy birthday Brooke!
It was nice to have an extra set of hands to help with the twins.

Oh, boy, time for twin toddlers!
We're so excited.
I don't think it will be that hard for you guys. The look so sweet.

I guess I spoke too soon.
Really, now?

Poor little Allyson.
And it was her bottle to begin with.

Well, I guess now we know who the queen bee is in this pair.

At least Stephanie is setting a good example, right?
Yeah, it's funny how she was so much more willing to get along with her little sisters than her big sister.

I bet you're happy about this birthday, aren't you?
Well, it's always a little sad to see the kids grow up...
Rachel, tomorrow they'll all be in school all day.
You know, on second thought...

The twins look so happy about starting school.
Not as happy as we look behind the camera.

Again, Rachel?
You have 4 already. You know this, right?
You know, maybe it's time you guys started looking for a bigger house...

Sorry I missed moving day...
That's quite alright, mysterious voice. There wasn't that much to move.
Yeah, but thanks for all the new stuff.
Hey, that's what mysterious voices are for. Antonia sure looks happy about her new sibling...

I hope she's just as happy when the sibling is actually here!
Adam, stop talking to the mysterious voice!!! I'm in pain over here!

Make that "siblings..."
More twins?
Meet Faith...

and Dylan.
Your first boy! Congratulations.
I know. We were overdue with the 5 girls.

Wait a that...
Yeah, Steph is a teenager now and filling the role of head babysitter.
What about Brooke?
Brooke's been off at college since the move, I'm surprised you didn't notice.
One down, 5 to go.

Oh, boy, it's that time again...
Don't remind us...

Two more to teach to walk, talk, and use the potty...

Yeah, I can see that one's going over really well.

Please tell me this is some sort of joke, Rachel...
No, number 7 really is on the way.
But the twins are barely walking.
Tell us about it.

And it looks like our other twins are getting along famously...
They grow up really soon.
It should be before the baby comes.
I'm starting to think that you guys time these births so that you always have an available teen babysitter...

Watch out, we've got an escaper on our hands...
Those two grow up before the baby too, thankfully.

Only one this time, right?
Yes, only one little girl. Hannah.
Poor Dylan. Still the only boy...
Speaking of Dylan, weren't all the kids supposed to grow up...
On the same day, which happened to be right when Hannah was born.

Did Steph leave for college, too?
Yup. 2 down, 5 to go.
You do realize that you also had 5 to go after Brooke left, right?
I don't want to talk about it.

Another 3 hour photo shoot?
No, these two actually get along with each other.

Please tell me I'm seeing things. You guys have two teenager, two children, and a baby, and you got a dog? Not just a dog, but a puppy?
I know, but she was just so cute...
Are you talking about Sunny or Faith?
Both of them.
So I gather that the dog's name is Sunny?

Um, not that Hannah's birthday doesn't deserve a huge celebration, but who are all these random people?
Oh, those are just some guys from my office. They love a party.
Even an infant's birthday?
Don't ask...

What a cutie.
She looks just like Brooke and Steph.
Except she's a whole lot calmer...
Oh, yeah.

How cute, they match!
They really do look alike...

Rachel, this better not mean what I think it means...
Ok, I'm pregnant again.
You have 7 kids! 5 of them still live at home! You should be done by now!

Oh, here we go again. Here comes number 8, right?
Actually, make that numbers 8, 9, and 10.

Mysterious voice, meet Noah...


and Chase.
3? You had 3? You do realize that you still have 5 other children living there, right?
Actually, it's only 3 other children now. The older twins left for college.
Well, that's a little bit better. And that does even up the girl to boy ratio a bit.

Well, you've made it through the first stage...
Yeah, but it's the next one I'm worried about. 3 little boys at once...

Rachel, please explain the pajamas.
They're the last (I swear) of 10. They get some hand-me-downs, ok?
But lilac with flowers...

Man, Ethan and Sunnny sure are bonding.

Oh, what have we here? A little prodigy?
She is getting quite good.

Well, we survived the toddler stage.

Hey, when did Hannah grow up?
I don't even know. Sometime before the boys did.
Losing track of them, are we?
Faith and Dylan grow up tonight, though. Then it's off to college for them.
Well, great! I look foward to checking in with them later on. And I'll stop back here to check on Hannah and the boys.
Believe me, we'll need all the help we can get!
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