Generation Three, Here We Come!!!
As Riley made preparations to move to college, back on Avenue A Liir and Angel were setting up their new home. The couple had decided to use Angel's last name instead of Liir's-had it been the other way around, the name Marquez would have been gone. Pretty soon, the couple was expecting their first child.
It's a girl!! Kaylie Marquez was welcomed into the world.
Pretty soon Kaylie had grown into a toddler. Despite their meager living situation, the family couldn't have been happier.
Isn't she cute?
Of course, the toddler years do not last forever. Grandmas Elphaba and Mimi, as well as aunt Krystal, came over to watch Kaylie make the big transition to childhood. Watch out, Kaylie. Don't grab the fire!!
Is there anything cuter than a proud grandmother with her first grandchild?
Kaylie started school with ease, and continued to grow into a healthy, happy young girl...
Once she settled on a hairstyle, that is.
With Kaylie growing up so fast, Liir and Angel began to try for a second child.
Of course, try doesn't really mean much in this neighborhood. It's coming!!!
And it's a baby boy! Adam Marquez made a lovely addition to the family, whose interior decorating skills were improving by the day. Adam's babyhood whizzed by.
What a cute toddler. Meanwhile, Kaylie was doing some growing up of her own.
Kaylie eased into her teen years well, athough she wasn't quite as willing to have her picture taken anymore. With their little girl in high school and their little boy growing fast as well, Liir and Angel decided to go for a third child.
Of course, they got pregnant on the first try. Infirtility is a concept unknown to the Alphabet City. But before the new baby's arrival, there was still a big event-Adam's toddler years were finally over.
Despite Kaylie's complexion trouble, life went on at the Marquez house. Adam started school, and proved to be just as good a student as his sister. Then one night, Angel woke up feeling familiar pains in her stomach. The baby was coming!
It's a girl, and she'! Yes, it looks like Liir's skin finally won the genetic war. The third Marquez baby was named Emily.
Liir was delighted with his new daughter. He wasn't the type of father to play favorites, but their green skin did give them a bond that so far was only shared with Liir's mother and sister. He took great joy in taking care of baby Emily.
Kaylie was also thrilled with her baby sister, especially since this time she was actually able to help care for her new sibling. Of course, Emily didn't stay a baby for very long.
Soon the youngest Marquez had grown into a toddler. Kaylie began to rack up scholarship money, and Adam continued to make his parents proud with his high report cards. But life never settles down for long in the Alphabet City...
Yup, Emily was growing into childhood as well. For awhile, Liir and Angel had sworn that Emily would be their last child. But with all their kids off at school and college looming on the horizon for Kaylie, they decided to go for just one more.
Here comes baby number four!!
And it's another green girl! Welcome baby Ellen!!!
Unfortunately, the family didn't settle down for long. Kaylie's teen years had zoomed right by, and it was time for her to leave for college.
It was hard for Kaylie to say goodbye to her brother and sisters, especially little Emily.
Once Kaylie was settled in at college, Adam made his transition to teenhood as well.
And then it was time for a double birthday! Ellen became a toddler, and Emily grew to a teen.
Emily wasn't thrilled at sharing her birthday. There was actually quite a bit of sibling rivalry between the two girls. Emily lost her standing as the green baby of the family with Ellen's birth.
Life moved on in the Marquez house. Adam went off to college as well, leaving just Emily and Ellen at home.
Another day, another birthday party.
As hard as it was to watch their kids grow up, Liir and Angel were actually quite relieved that the toddler years were behind them. They weren't getting any younger themselves, after all. With Emily and Ellen both in school, Liir and Angel found more time to concentrate on their own hobbies. For Liir, this meant spending any and all free time looking through the telescope in the yard. Then one night, he saw a strange light in the sky....
Liir tried to fight it, but he was sucked up into the sky. The whole incident happened at 1:00 in the morning, so no one else in the house even noticed. A few hours later, Liir was dropped back onto the street in front of the house apparently no worse for wear, but feeling very violated.
Liir hid his ordeal from his family, going to work the next morning as if nothing was wrong. Meanwhile, Emily and Ellen were beginning to get over their intense rivalry.
A few nights after the incident with the telescope, Liir was woken up by a weird feeling in his stomach. Suddenly, his stomach expanded. He knew what that meant when it happened to Angel, but he certainly couldn't be pregnant...could he?
Liir knew that he had to tell his wife about his ordeal. He couldn't hide the bump in his stomach for much longer. Angel was shocked, to say the least, about what happened to Liir and confused as to how it made him pregnant. But no matter how it happened, the baby was still on the way. They needed to be ready. They opted to tell Emily and Ellen that they were adopting.
Ellen didn't take the news well.
The months went by, and Liir and Angel prepared for their "adoption". They predicted Liir's due date, planning a trip to the "orphanage" to pick up their new child. Emily was very supicious that something else was actually going on, but wasn't home enough to find anything out. But Liir was getting bigger every day, and she knew it wasn't from eating too much like her mother said. Ellen, still being quite young, believed the adoption story without hesitation. Three days after their trip to the "orphanage", Liir and Angel came home with a baby boy named Matthew. His skin matched his father and sisters, but his eyes were strangely dark.
As Matthew grew, the differences became even more apparent. He was certainly cute, but just different.
Despite the saga surrounding his birth, Liir and Angel simply treated Matthew as their fifth child and second son. But the girls kept growing as well. Emily went off to college, leaving Ellen, on the brink of her teen years, to wonder about just how Matthew had come into the family.
Ellen's transition to teenhood didn't go quite as smoothly as her sisters' and brother's had. She frequently began sneaking out at night, knowing that her parents were too exhausted from taking care of Matthew to notice. She met a man named Nicky, who lived by himself in an apartment on the other side of town, and began to date him. She hid the relationship from her parents, until...
At the end of one of their dates, Ellen felt her stomach pop. The nausea she had been feeling for the past day wasn't food poisoning. She was pregnant.
Liir and Angel weren't happy, by any means. They considered kicking Ellen out of the house. But Angel remembered what it had been like living in her mother's tiny apartment during her early years, before she married Roger. She didn't want her grandchild to live like that. She convinced Liir to be supportive, and to help Ellen with the baby.
Nine months later, they were all treated to the surprise of their lives when Ellen gave birth to not one, but three babies-two boys and a girl. Nicky was nowhere to be found during the birth. Ellen realized that her children would probably never know their father, and that her relationship with Nicky was over.
Ellen continued going to school, while Liir and Angle took care of the triplets. Soon, Casey, Corey, and Craig were all well into their toddler years.
As Ellen watched her children grow, she realized that they couldn't stay in Liir and Angel's house forever. She needed to move on with her life. Her parents had told her that they would take care of the triplets while she was in college. She hated leaviing her babies for that long, but she knew it would be better for them in the end.
And so, Ellen departed for college as well. And that concludes this chapter of the Marquez family saga. We'll catch up with all the kids at other points in the story. Right now, it's about time we got back to Riley Cohen and saw what life at Shiz University is really like.
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