The Saga Continues...
Well, since we spent all of last time learning about Riley's college experience, short and poorly documented as it may have been, why don't we spend some time with her older sister, Heather. Of course, it wouldn't be very fair to let Riley narrate a blog and not Heather-sibling rivelry could develop. So Heather, take it away!

Heather: Thanks, strange voice from the sky. Anyway, you may remember that after becoming an adult I married my high school boyfriend, Erik. Erik decided to take my last name-he's such a modern man!
Of course, he does havc a compulsive need to document everything-even my morning sickness.
Morning sickness? Does that mean...?
Yup, our first baby was on the way!!!

It's coming.....

And it's a girl!!! Our first daughter, Karah. She was such a cute baby.
I know, Heather. I was watching you from the sky, remember?
Dad was just thrilled with his first grandchild. Great job on decorating the nursery, by the way.
Thanks, I try.

Karah's birthday already?
I know, time goes by so fast.
Wow, she is beautiful, Heather!
Thanks. Anyway, with Karah in her toddler years I finally went back to work. Erik had a night job at the time, so he stayed home and took care of Karah.
We were delighted with our rapidly growing little girl, so when Erik brought up the idea of having another baby, I couldn't think of a logical reason to say no. The next morning...
It started all over again.
As much fun as it was being pregnant again, there were still other milestones before the new baby arrived. Karah's transition to childhood happened towards the end of my pregnancy-I was just happy I didn't go into labor while she was blowing out her candles.
Five minutes later, I was watching my not-so-little little girl take her own plate of cake off of the counter and sit in one of our dining chairs for the first time.
And later I was tucking her into her new big-girl bed.
As it turned out, though, there wouldn't be much more time for reflection. Shortly after going to bed, I woke up with those familiar pains...
Another girl. Little Amanda already showed signs of my father's blonde hair-something that would make him very happy.
The sisters meet for the first time. Karah was an excellent big sister, even though there wasn't much that she could really do to help with the newborn.
Once Amanda hit her toddler years, I went back to work again. Erik still had his night job, so child care still wasn't an issue for us. Although, Erik now had his hands slightly more full in the early afternoon hours as Karah brought home friend after friend from school while Amanda learned how to walk.
Happy birthday Amanda!! I couldn't believe my second baby was growing up so fast. The next day she would start school too, and start bringing home parades of children I didn't know.
Now that Karah and Amanda were on more of a level feild, I was worried that a sibling rivelry would develop. I remembered that the time when Riley and I were both children was when we fought the most.
Luckily, that didn't seem to be an issue for our girls, but it was an issue for our couch.
It was also an issue for our new nanny. Erik had been promoted, but the promotion came with a change in hours. We now needed a sitter in the early afternoons for when Karah and Amanda got off the school bus. That poor old woman never stood a chance against them. Every day I came home to hear about the latest prank the girls had pulled.
Even with the handful the girls were becoming, Erik and I felt a little sad that our babies weren't babies anymore. We decided to try for another child.

Try isn't a very meaningful word to you guys, is it Heather?
No, not really. Anyway, once again Karah's birthday fell in the middle of my pregnancy.
Aunt Riley came over for the occasion-she had graduated college by this point. I felt a little guilty that Karah's past two birthdays had happened when I was about to pop.
I couldn't believe that I now had a teenage daughter. On the plus side, though, I was gaining a babysitter which meant less money spent on the nanny.
Luckily for me, Karah remained just as devoted a sister as ever. She even still joined Amanda on a prank or two against our nanny.
Yup, it's that time again. This time, as I was going through the pain, I turned to Erik who was watching from his customary spot on the other side of the bed. "This is the last one!!!" I yelled, and I meant it.
A third girl, Isabella.
Erik took the first picture of all three girls together. To Karah this was old news, but Amanda was thrilled to have a baby sister.
She insisted on staying by the crib every second that she could, and dubbed herself the official baby moniter. If Isabella even whimpered, Amanda would be at my side before the sound had reached me ears.
Karah was given the honor of guiding Isabella through her first birthday. She would head off to college herself soon.
Our beautiful little carrothead! We were amazed at how very different all of our children looked. Karah with her olive skin and dark hair, Amanda with her pale skin and blonde hair, and now our little Isabella with her daddy's red hair. You had to look very hard to see that they were even related.

Soon enough, Karah was off to college, Amanda was in her teens, and Isabella was starting school. And that is where my part of this story ends for now.
Thanks Heather! Having a hard time keeping up? Believe me, you ain't seen nothing yet. We've still got Riley and Idina's kids to get through. And remember Krystal Davis? She's got some of her own too. And there's even more surprises down the road...

Heather: Thanks, strange voice from the sky. Anyway, you may remember that after becoming an adult I married my high school boyfriend, Erik. Erik decided to take my last name-he's such a modern man!

Of course, he does havc a compulsive need to document everything-even my morning sickness.
Morning sickness? Does that mean...?
Yup, our first baby was on the way!!!

It's coming.....

And it's a girl!!! Our first daughter, Karah. She was such a cute baby.
I know, Heather. I was watching you from the sky, remember?

Dad was just thrilled with his first grandchild. Great job on decorating the nursery, by the way.
Thanks, I try.

Karah's birthday already?
I know, time goes by so fast.

Wow, she is beautiful, Heather!
Thanks. Anyway, with Karah in her toddler years I finally went back to work. Erik had a night job at the time, so he stayed home and took care of Karah.

We were delighted with our rapidly growing little girl, so when Erik brought up the idea of having another baby, I couldn't think of a logical reason to say no. The next morning...

It started all over again.

As much fun as it was being pregnant again, there were still other milestones before the new baby arrived. Karah's transition to childhood happened towards the end of my pregnancy-I was just happy I didn't go into labor while she was blowing out her candles.

Five minutes later, I was watching my not-so-little little girl take her own plate of cake off of the counter and sit in one of our dining chairs for the first time.

And later I was tucking her into her new big-girl bed.

As it turned out, though, there wouldn't be much more time for reflection. Shortly after going to bed, I woke up with those familiar pains...

Another girl. Little Amanda already showed signs of my father's blonde hair-something that would make him very happy.

The sisters meet for the first time. Karah was an excellent big sister, even though there wasn't much that she could really do to help with the newborn.

Once Amanda hit her toddler years, I went back to work again. Erik still had his night job, so child care still wasn't an issue for us. Although, Erik now had his hands slightly more full in the early afternoon hours as Karah brought home friend after friend from school while Amanda learned how to walk.

Happy birthday Amanda!! I couldn't believe my second baby was growing up so fast. The next day she would start school too, and start bringing home parades of children I didn't know.

Now that Karah and Amanda were on more of a level feild, I was worried that a sibling rivelry would develop. I remembered that the time when Riley and I were both children was when we fought the most.

Luckily, that didn't seem to be an issue for our girls, but it was an issue for our couch.

It was also an issue for our new nanny. Erik had been promoted, but the promotion came with a change in hours. We now needed a sitter in the early afternoons for when Karah and Amanda got off the school bus. That poor old woman never stood a chance against them. Every day I came home to hear about the latest prank the girls had pulled.
Even with the handful the girls were becoming, Erik and I felt a little sad that our babies weren't babies anymore. We decided to try for another child.

Try isn't a very meaningful word to you guys, is it Heather?
No, not really. Anyway, once again Karah's birthday fell in the middle of my pregnancy.

Aunt Riley came over for the occasion-she had graduated college by this point. I felt a little guilty that Karah's past two birthdays had happened when I was about to pop.

I couldn't believe that I now had a teenage daughter. On the plus side, though, I was gaining a babysitter which meant less money spent on the nanny.

Luckily for me, Karah remained just as devoted a sister as ever. She even still joined Amanda on a prank or two against our nanny.

Yup, it's that time again. This time, as I was going through the pain, I turned to Erik who was watching from his customary spot on the other side of the bed. "This is the last one!!!" I yelled, and I meant it.

A third girl, Isabella.

Erik took the first picture of all three girls together. To Karah this was old news, but Amanda was thrilled to have a baby sister.

She insisted on staying by the crib every second that she could, and dubbed herself the official baby moniter. If Isabella even whimpered, Amanda would be at my side before the sound had reached me ears.

Karah was given the honor of guiding Isabella through her first birthday. She would head off to college herself soon.

Our beautiful little carrothead! We were amazed at how very different all of our children looked. Karah with her olive skin and dark hair, Amanda with her pale skin and blonde hair, and now our little Isabella with her daddy's red hair. You had to look very hard to see that they were even related.

Soon enough, Karah was off to college, Amanda was in her teens, and Isabella was starting school. And that is where my part of this story ends for now.
Thanks Heather! Having a hard time keeping up? Believe me, you ain't seen nothing yet. We've still got Riley and Idina's kids to get through. And remember Krystal Davis? She's got some of her own too. And there's even more surprises down the road...
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