Secrets Ruin Lives...
Now that we've learned about Sheila Jefferson's eccentric upbringing, let's check in and see how she's done since leaving Maureen and Joanne's house. Hi, Sheila!
Hi, mysterious voice!
Are you ready to narrate?
Yes I am. Where are my pictures?
Oh, they're right in here. Alright, then, let's get started.
Well, let's see...After I moved out of my moms' house, I fell in love with Remington London, the local pizza boy. We moved in together quickly, and...

Oh, Sheila....
What? It's the facts of life.
No, the "Facts of Life" was a TV show. This is just innapropriate.
Well I wouldn't know that it was a TV show, seeing as how we only get 4 channels and all of them seem to only show giant bunnies and people setting themselves on fire!
Sheila, this is not the time for this, ok?
I think it's a perfect time for this...

No, it's a perfect time for you to introduce us to that baby you're holding there.
That's Aaron, our first baby. He came a little sooner than we had planned.
Is that why his crib is in your bedroom?
How did you know...
Because no parent would willingly decorate their child's nursery with that wallpaper.
Soon Aaron had grown into a toddler. The time went by so fast.
He sure is a cutie, isn't he?

It's too bad he still doesn't have a bedroom...
We were working on it. I didn't see you helping us out.
...Moving on

Since we now had a family, Remington and I decided it was time to get married.
You don't sound to happy about that...
Oh, I was thrilled. But Remington seemed so nervous during the ceremony, even though it was only the two of us in the room.
You know how men are.

Right after we got married, it was time for Aaron to grow up into a child.
Hey, why isn't his father at his birthday?
Oh, Remington was working late that night.
Well, I bet the extra money helped out.
Actually, it was the strangest thing. We never saw any extra money at all.

Even though Remington was always working at night, with Aaron in school at least I got to spend time with him during the day.

And I can only guess where that lead to...who's the newcomer?
Karmine, my first girl.

Aaron was such a great big brother. He helped me out so much in the evenings.
Remington still working late, huh?

Don't tell me he missed Karmine's birthday, too.
Yeah. It's funny, but it seemed after we had Karmine he got even busier at work than when it was just Aaron.

Karmine was such a happy little girl. We had one of each, and we both agreed that this is where we would stay...

How did you know there was a but?
I'm the mysterious voice. I know all.

Hey, look! Remington finally made a birthday.
Yeah, I know. But unfortunatly, this time I was out working.
Hey, we needed the money.

Teenager time already?
I know. But at least now I could leave him home with Karmine and not worry about the social working coming.

You never finished that part about leaving it a two kids, but...
Oh, yeah. Well, with both Aaron and Karmine in school, and Remington now working days, I began to get very bored.
Oh, boy. I've heard this one before...
I suggested the idea of having a third child to Remington. He wasn't to keen on the idea at first, but eventually we started trying again. Something wasn't right, though. After awhile, Remington suggested we should adopt.
Yeah. He was really great about it, too. He took care of all of the arrangements and paperwork. It was all working out so well...except
I had somehow gotten pregnant.
So, on the same day, I gave birth to Logan...

And Remington came home with Elisabeth.
Hey, Sheila?
Just out of curiosity, did Remington ever show you Elisabeth's adoption papers?
No. They're in a safe at his job.
Right. Moving on again...
Whoa, looks like you're gonna have a troublemaker on your hands there.
Don't let the outfit fool you. She was a perfect angel. She never got into any trouble.

That's so cute, having the kids help with the birthdays. But I notice that Remington...
Working again.
Why do you keep asking me where he is? Do you know something I don't?
No, not at all.

Hey, look at how cute Logan is!
He looked just like his brother as a toddler.
You're sure that is Logan and not Aaron, right?
Of course. I can tell my own children apart, mysterious voice. Wait a minute...nope, it's Logan.
Ok, just checking.

My, what interesting eyes Elisabeth's got...
Aren't they?
Now, where exactly did you guys adopt her from?
I don't really know, actually. Remington made all the arrangements.

And look at that! Dad finally made a birthday party. He sure is dressing different, though.
He lost a lot of weight around this time.
Must be all the working.
Must be...

So Elisabeth and Logan are kind of like twins, aren't they?
I guess they are. I never really thought of it that way, but they kind of are.

What a happy outdoor scene.
There was an even happier indoor scene going on.
What do you mean?

Again, Sheila?
Why are you acting surprised? You knew it was coming.
I know, but still. You seemed to be having a hard time with the four that you had. Why more?
Well, it wasn't really something that we planned....
Oh, another little surprise, there?

Actually, it was two little surprises. First came Megan...

And then came Monica.
Well, Elisabeth seems happy.
She was. She was especially happy that with Aaron and Karmine off at college, we now had three girls and only one boy at home.
That's just not fair. Poor Logan.
Well, this is a first. Both of you at one birthday!
Yeah, it's strange. After the twins were born Remington suddenly worked out his schedule and was home with them all the time.
That must have been a nice break for you.
It was, but it would have been nicer if I hadn't been back at work.
Oh, so you were out during the day?

So which twin is this again? Megan or Monica?
That would be Monica. Monica's the redhead, Megan's the blonde.

So now there were two children and two toddlers...was Remington still at home?
Yeah, it seemed the more I worked the more he stayed home.

Well, the girls seem to be getting along well.
Thankfully, they did.
Now let's see...where's that next picture...oh, sorry. Dropped a few on the floor there...I'll get those...
What are you talking about? You can't drop things. You're just a mysterious voice. Hey, wait a minute. I've never seen these pictures before...

Um, mysterious voice?
...Yes, Sheila?
Did you know about this?
Well, yeah. I'm the mysterious voice. I know everything you guys do.
Well why didn't you stop it?
Well it made for dramatic storytelling. See, the drama is unfolding right now.
Oh, you bet it is!!
Sheila...Sheila, we're not done yet, you can't...Ok, well, I guess that's the end of this tale for now seeing as our narrator just left. We'll finish this story later on, assuming Remington lives past today, that is.
Hi, mysterious voice!
Are you ready to narrate?
Yes I am. Where are my pictures?
Oh, they're right in here. Alright, then, let's get started.
Well, let's see...After I moved out of my moms' house, I fell in love with Remington London, the local pizza boy. We moved in together quickly, and...

Oh, Sheila....
What? It's the facts of life.
No, the "Facts of Life" was a TV show. This is just innapropriate.
Well I wouldn't know that it was a TV show, seeing as how we only get 4 channels and all of them seem to only show giant bunnies and people setting themselves on fire!
Sheila, this is not the time for this, ok?
I think it's a perfect time for this...

No, it's a perfect time for you to introduce us to that baby you're holding there.
That's Aaron, our first baby. He came a little sooner than we had planned.
Is that why his crib is in your bedroom?
How did you know...
Because no parent would willingly decorate their child's nursery with that wallpaper.

Soon Aaron had grown into a toddler. The time went by so fast.
He sure is a cutie, isn't he?

It's too bad he still doesn't have a bedroom...
We were working on it. I didn't see you helping us out.
...Moving on

Since we now had a family, Remington and I decided it was time to get married.
You don't sound to happy about that...
Oh, I was thrilled. But Remington seemed so nervous during the ceremony, even though it was only the two of us in the room.
You know how men are.

Right after we got married, it was time for Aaron to grow up into a child.
Hey, why isn't his father at his birthday?
Oh, Remington was working late that night.
Well, I bet the extra money helped out.
Actually, it was the strangest thing. We never saw any extra money at all.

Even though Remington was always working at night, with Aaron in school at least I got to spend time with him during the day.

And I can only guess where that lead to...who's the newcomer?
Karmine, my first girl.

Aaron was such a great big brother. He helped me out so much in the evenings.
Remington still working late, huh?

Don't tell me he missed Karmine's birthday, too.
Yeah. It's funny, but it seemed after we had Karmine he got even busier at work than when it was just Aaron.

Karmine was such a happy little girl. We had one of each, and we both agreed that this is where we would stay...

How did you know there was a but?
I'm the mysterious voice. I know all.

Hey, look! Remington finally made a birthday.
Yeah, I know. But unfortunatly, this time I was out working.
Hey, we needed the money.

Teenager time already?
I know. But at least now I could leave him home with Karmine and not worry about the social working coming.

You never finished that part about leaving it a two kids, but...
Oh, yeah. Well, with both Aaron and Karmine in school, and Remington now working days, I began to get very bored.
Oh, boy. I've heard this one before...
I suggested the idea of having a third child to Remington. He wasn't to keen on the idea at first, but eventually we started trying again. Something wasn't right, though. After awhile, Remington suggested we should adopt.
Yeah. He was really great about it, too. He took care of all of the arrangements and paperwork. It was all working out so well...except

I had somehow gotten pregnant.
So, on the same day, I gave birth to Logan...

And Remington came home with Elisabeth.
Hey, Sheila?
Just out of curiosity, did Remington ever show you Elisabeth's adoption papers?
No. They're in a safe at his job.
Right. Moving on again...

Whoa, looks like you're gonna have a troublemaker on your hands there.
Don't let the outfit fool you. She was a perfect angel. She never got into any trouble.

That's so cute, having the kids help with the birthdays. But I notice that Remington...
Working again.
Why do you keep asking me where he is? Do you know something I don't?
No, not at all.

Hey, look at how cute Logan is!
He looked just like his brother as a toddler.
You're sure that is Logan and not Aaron, right?
Of course. I can tell my own children apart, mysterious voice. Wait a minute...nope, it's Logan.
Ok, just checking.

My, what interesting eyes Elisabeth's got...
Aren't they?
Now, where exactly did you guys adopt her from?
I don't really know, actually. Remington made all the arrangements.

And look at that! Dad finally made a birthday party. He sure is dressing different, though.
He lost a lot of weight around this time.
Must be all the working.
Must be...

So Elisabeth and Logan are kind of like twins, aren't they?
I guess they are. I never really thought of it that way, but they kind of are.

What a happy outdoor scene.
There was an even happier indoor scene going on.
What do you mean?

Again, Sheila?
Why are you acting surprised? You knew it was coming.
I know, but still. You seemed to be having a hard time with the four that you had. Why more?
Well, it wasn't really something that we planned....
Oh, another little surprise, there?

Actually, it was two little surprises. First came Megan...

And then came Monica.
Well, Elisabeth seems happy.
She was. She was especially happy that with Aaron and Karmine off at college, we now had three girls and only one boy at home.
That's just not fair. Poor Logan.

Well, this is a first. Both of you at one birthday!
Yeah, it's strange. After the twins were born Remington suddenly worked out his schedule and was home with them all the time.
That must have been a nice break for you.
It was, but it would have been nicer if I hadn't been back at work.
Oh, so you were out during the day?

So which twin is this again? Megan or Monica?
That would be Monica. Monica's the redhead, Megan's the blonde.

So now there were two children and two toddlers...was Remington still at home?
Yeah, it seemed the more I worked the more he stayed home.

Well, the girls seem to be getting along well.
Thankfully, they did.
Now let's see...where's that next picture...oh, sorry. Dropped a few on the floor there...I'll get those...
What are you talking about? You can't drop things. You're just a mysterious voice. Hey, wait a minute. I've never seen these pictures before...

Um, mysterious voice?
...Yes, Sheila?
Did you know about this?
Well, yeah. I'm the mysterious voice. I know everything you guys do.
Well why didn't you stop it?
Well it made for dramatic storytelling. See, the drama is unfolding right now.
Oh, you bet it is!!
Sheila...Sheila, we're not done yet, you can't...Ok, well, I guess that's the end of this tale for now seeing as our narrator just left. We'll finish this story later on, assuming Remington lives past today, that is.
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