Even More Mendozas!
Hello, mysterious voice here! Today we will be spending some good quality time with the oldest of the Mendoza kids, Jesse.

Oh, and it looks like we're just in time. Hey, wait a minute...Karynne Davis, is that you?
Karynne: It's Karynne Mendoza now, but yeah, it's me!
I should have known that cute little crush back when you were kids would become something more. Actually, come to think of it, I did.
Karynne: It's Karynne Mendoza now, but yeah, it's me!
I should have known that cute little crush back when you were kids would become something more. Actually, come to think of it, I did.

How cute! Your little sister came to the wedding!
Jesse: Come on, Karynne! It's time for our honeymoon...
Ok, I guess I should leave you guys alone for this part. No pictures...
Jesse: Come on, Karynne! It's time for our honeymoon...
Ok, I guess I should leave you guys alone for this part. No pictures...

Well, maybe just this one....

Man, I think you Sims have got to be the most fertile beings ever!

Awww! How cute! That was a fast pregnancy!
Karynne: Thankfully, yeah it was.
Care to introduce your child?
Jesse: This is Madison, our new daughter.
There's only one, right?
Karynne: Yeah...why? Should there be more?
Never mind...
Karynne: Thankfully, yeah it was.
Care to introduce your child?
Jesse: This is Madison, our new daughter.
There's only one, right?
Karynne: Yeah...why? Should there be more?
Never mind...

You two are so cute together!

Happy Birthday to you...they sure do grow up fast, don't they?
Jesse: You're telling me...
Yeah, I am. I'm the mysterious voice. It's my job.

Hi there, Madison!
Madison: Hi!
Is it ok if I call you Maddie?
Madison: Ok, voice!
I see potential in this one!

Happy Birthday to you...they sure do grow up fast, don't they?
Jesse: You're telling me...
Yeah, I am. I'm the mysterious voice. It's my job.

Hi there, Madison!
Madison: Hi!
Is it ok if I call you Maddie?
Madison: Ok, voice!
I see potential in this one!

What's up, Maddie?
Madison: Feel funny...

Madison: Feel funny...

Whoa, look who's a big girl!! Congratulations!!

Well, I was going to say that with Madison in school your life would be a lot calmer, but...
Jesse: Um, mysterious voice?
Yes, Jesse?
Jesse: I think something went wrong here...
What do you mean?

The baby looks fine to me, Jesse.
Jesse: That's not the problem. This is Natalie, by the way.

Another healthy looking baby.
Jesse: Little Daniel.
You guys had twins! Congratulations!
Jesse: That's not the problem either.

Triplets? Well, yeah, that's a lot, but you know Anthony and Kelsie Warner down the street had two sets of...
Jesse: Hazel here isn't the problem either...

Why are you showing me Natalie...wait a minute, Natalie had blue eyes...Jesse, is this a different baby?
Jesse: Uh-huh.
So that would be 4 individual babies?
Jesse: Uh-huh.
Three girls and one boy?
Jesse: Uh-huh.
At the same time?
Jesse: Uh-huh.
Well you certainly are a lovely young lady, Maddie. Now, let's see the youngin's...

Karynne: This is Natalie...

Karynne: Here's Hazel...

Karynne: Here's Claire...

Karynne: And last but not least Daniel.
He doesn't seem to be too interested in me. You might want to work on that.

Jesse: Um, mysterious voice? I think we have a problem...
Ok, Jesse. Let's you and I have a talk. You have 5 children. Setting the kitchen on fire is not something you should be doing right now...

So everyone's grown up now?
Jesse: Thankfully, yes.
Great to see everyone survived your little kitchen adventure, Jesse...

What? You're pregnant again?
Karynne: I don't know how it happened!
Yeah, I bet you don't.

Ok, I'm seeing two more babies...
Karynne: One boy, Eddie, and one girl, Elissa. We had twins.
Really? Because I was assuming that you stole the other one at the hospital.
Jesse: What hospital?
Never mind. Hang on, you guys need a bigger house.

Well isn't this just the cutest thing ever!!!
Hazel: Can we go change now? These dresses itch really bad!
Claire: Yeah, they're really uncomfortable.
Sure. Hey, where's your brother?

Oh, there you are Daniel. Enjoying your new room?
Daniel: Yeah.

I'm assuming this is Eddie...
Karynne: Yes it is. Say hi, Eddie!
Eddie: Hi!
Ahh, I see potential in this one, too!
Jesse: Hang on, I'll go get Elissa.

Hi there, Elissa! I'm the mysterious voice!
Jesse: She's just a little shy.
That's ok, I've seen worse. At least she's not eating a xylaphone stick.

Ok, Eddie, I'm seeing something furry in your hands...

Um, who is this?
Jesse: That's Jello, our new puppy.
You named your puppy Jello?
Yeah, what's wrong with that?

Whoa, Elissa...you look just like Maddie!
Elissa: No I don't!
Have you looked at her lately?
Elissa: No. She went to college...

Well didn't Jello turn out to be an interesting dog...
Elissa: He's so cute...
He sure is. You know, I think this would be a good time to leave you guys for awhile. Don't worry, I'll be back. But can you guys make me a promise?
Jesse: Sure, what?
No more kids, please?
Karynne: No problem there.
Until next time, this is the mysterious voice signing off. Bye everyone!
Jesse: Um, mysterious voice?
Yes, Jesse?
Jesse: I think something went wrong here...
What do you mean?

The baby looks fine to me, Jesse.
Jesse: That's not the problem. This is Natalie, by the way.

Another healthy looking baby.
Jesse: Little Daniel.
You guys had twins! Congratulations!
Jesse: That's not the problem either.

Triplets? Well, yeah, that's a lot, but you know Anthony and Kelsie Warner down the street had two sets of...
Jesse: Hazel here isn't the problem either...

Why are you showing me Natalie...wait a minute, Natalie had blue eyes...Jesse, is this a different baby?
Jesse: Uh-huh.
So that would be 4 individual babies?
Jesse: Uh-huh.
Three girls and one boy?
Jesse: Uh-huh.
At the same time?
Jesse: Uh-huh.
Well, you've certainly got your work cut out for you...
So they're all in one room?
Karynne: For now anyway. We don't have enough space for anything else, and besides, it makes caring for them easier.

Meet your new siblings, Maddie!
Karynne: Thankfully she seems to be adjusting fine.
Just wait until she has to help take care of them.

Oh, boy! It's time for 4 toddlers at the same time!

Jesse: Well, thankfully we're going to have some help.
From who?

Oh, it's Maddie's birthday too!
Jesse: Yup!

So they're all in one room?
Karynne: For now anyway. We don't have enough space for anything else, and besides, it makes caring for them easier.

Meet your new siblings, Maddie!
Karynne: Thankfully she seems to be adjusting fine.
Just wait until she has to help take care of them.

Oh, boy! It's time for 4 toddlers at the same time!

Jesse: Well, thankfully we're going to have some help.
From who?

Oh, it's Maddie's birthday too!
Jesse: Yup!

Well you certainly are a lovely young lady, Maddie. Now, let's see the youngin's...

Karynne: This is Natalie...

Karynne: Here's Hazel...

Karynne: Here's Claire...

Karynne: And last but not least Daniel.
He doesn't seem to be too interested in me. You might want to work on that.

Jesse: Um, mysterious voice? I think we have a problem...
Ok, Jesse. Let's you and I have a talk. You have 5 children. Setting the kitchen on fire is not something you should be doing right now...

So everyone's grown up now?
Jesse: Thankfully, yes.
Great to see everyone survived your little kitchen adventure, Jesse...

What? You're pregnant again?
Karynne: I don't know how it happened!
Yeah, I bet you don't.

Ok, I'm seeing two more babies...
Karynne: One boy, Eddie, and one girl, Elissa. We had twins.
Really? Because I was assuming that you stole the other one at the hospital.
Jesse: What hospital?
Never mind. Hang on, you guys need a bigger house.

Well isn't this just the cutest thing ever!!!
Hazel: Can we go change now? These dresses itch really bad!
Claire: Yeah, they're really uncomfortable.
Sure. Hey, where's your brother?

Oh, there you are Daniel. Enjoying your new room?
Daniel: Yeah.

I'm assuming this is Eddie...
Karynne: Yes it is. Say hi, Eddie!
Eddie: Hi!
Ahh, I see potential in this one, too!
Jesse: Hang on, I'll go get Elissa.

Hi there, Elissa! I'm the mysterious voice!
Jesse: She's just a little shy.
That's ok, I've seen worse. At least she's not eating a xylaphone stick.

Ok, Eddie, I'm seeing something furry in your hands...

Um, who is this?
Jesse: That's Jello, our new puppy.
You named your puppy Jello?
Yeah, what's wrong with that?

Whoa, Elissa...you look just like Maddie!
Elissa: No I don't!
Have you looked at her lately?
Elissa: No. She went to college...

Well didn't Jello turn out to be an interesting dog...
Elissa: He's so cute...
He sure is. You know, I think this would be a good time to leave you guys for awhile. Don't worry, I'll be back. But can you guys make me a promise?
Jesse: Sure, what?
No more kids, please?
Karynne: No problem there.
Until next time, this is the mysterious voice signing off. Bye everyone!
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