7th Heaven?
You know, Rachel wasn't an only child either. Today we'll be paying a visit to her younger sister, Kelsie.

Well, it looks like everything's going great for you, Kelsie! Who's that lucky guy?
Anthony: Don't you recognize me, mysterious voice?
Of course I do, Anthony. It's just for effect. The nice people may not know who you are.
Kelsie: We just got married.
Well, congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Warner. I'm sorry I missed the ceremony.

Whoa, that was fast!
Kelsie: You're....telling....me....

It's a boy!!!
Congratulations, guys! I'm so happy for you. What's his name?
You guys must be so proud. I know I am. These are the moments that make it a pleasure to be your mysterious voice...
We know he'll grow up so fast, though...
Happy birthday, dear Jason...
And if I may comment on your outfit...
Yes, I'm pregnant again.
Already? You're worse than your sister...

Hey there, Jason!
Jason: Hi!
You sure are a cute one...once again, I'm very proud.
Um...mysterious voice?
Yes, Anthony?
We've got something to tell you...

I can't believe this. You're in labor already? I looked away for like two minutes...
Hey, mysterious voice?
Don't interrupt me when I'm ranting, Anthony.
We really think this is something you should know...

Meet our new son, Shawn...
Ok, congratulations, but I don't see...

And our new daughter, Nicole...
Oh, boy. Here come the multiples. There must be something in the water in this place...

And our other new daughter, Samara.
3? You too, Kelsie? What is it with you Cohen girls and having triplets?
Well, you don't know about Audrey yet..
And I'm sure when we go visit her, she'll have triplets!

Well, one toddler grows up, but you get 3 more at the same time.
Don't remind us...

Well, what a handsome young man you've grown into.
Jason: Thanks, mysterious voice.
And so polite, too. I'm very pleased. Now let's get a look at your brother and sisters...

Say hi to the mysterious voice, Shawn.
Hey, there Shawn! He's certainly a quiet little thing, isn't he?
We're not fighting it...

No, Nicole! Don't eat the xylaphone stick!
Well, it looks like you've got quite the little genius in this one...

Hi, Samara!
Samara: Hi!!
Finally, one responds. Well, I guess you two have your work cut out for you...
We're calling in re-enforcements.

Oh, hi there Rachel! Long time no see.
Rachel: I just stopped by to see my new nieces and nephew.
Shouldn't you be worried about all of your kids?
Rachel: I needed a break. There's only 4 in this house.

So this is pretty much your lives now, huh?
Yeah, pretty much. Come on, Shawn. Come to mommy...
If I were you I'd worry more about teaching him to talk, especialy to the mysterious voice.

How do you like being a big brother, Jason?
Jason: It's good...
They're about to grow up soon. Are you happy about that?
Jason: Not as happy as Mom and Dad are.

Is everybody ready for school tomorrow?
Anthony: Oh, you bet we are....
Kelsie: Actually, we just got the kids into private school!

Good job, guys! Have a great first day!
Samara: Bye, Mom! Bye, Dad! Bye, mysterious voice!
You two must be so proud. I know I am.

So Samara, how was your first day of school?
Samara: It was ok.

What about you, Nicole? I'm glad to see you're not eating xylaphone sticks anymore...
Nicole: Huh?
Never mind. Did you like school?
Nicole: Yeah, I guess.

So I see everyone's discovered the new pool, huh?

Samara: Marco...
Jason: Polo!

Nicole: So all we have to do is get the nanny to try and make us baked alaska for dinner, and she'll...
What are you two doing?

What do you have there, Samara?
Samara: His name is Mustard!
Wow, he's really cute.
Kelsie: Hey, mysterious voice? Have you seen Jason?
Kelsie: Jason, our oldest son?
Oh, him! Yeah, he grew up after he got off the bus and left for college before you got home from work.
Kelsie: What!?
I figured that it would be best that it happened that way-ease the seperation anxiety, you know.

Kelsie: Anthony, now that Jason's out of the house we'll have a lot more time...
You know what? I'm going to go check on the kids. You two seem to be handling the change pretty well...just be careful, you two.

Ok, see, this is the opposite of being careful. Why am I seeing a baby?
Anthony: Because we just had one. It's a girl!
Kelsie: Hold that thought, honey.
Oh, here we go...

Anthony: Ok...it's a girl and a boy!
Kelsie: Hang on...
You have got to be kiddiing me...

Anthony: Make that a boy and two girls.
Unbelievable...Seriously, have you guys had your water supply tested? What are the names?
Kelsie: Well, the boy will be named Seth...
Anthony: And the girls will be named Kennedy and Savannah.

Kelsie: They grow up so fast...
Which one is this? They all looked alike as babies...
Kelsie: This is Kennedy.
I see she shares Nicole's ability to eat inedible objects...
Kelsie: Speaking of Nicole, those three left for college today.
What? We didn't even see them grow up!
Kelsie: We thought it would be easier if you didn't see-to ease the separation anxiety.
Kelsie: And here's little Seth...
He sure looks happy. And I think he's the first blond boy I've seen in this town...
Kelsie: Really? You'd think there would have been at least one other one.
Don't question the mysterious voice, Kelsie.

And I'm guessing this is Savannah?
Anthony: Yup.
She sure does have her mother's nose, doesn't she?
Kelsie: What do you mean?
Nothing, it's just that she looks almost exactly like your sister Rachel.
Kelsie: What do you mean she looks like Rachel? She's my child, she looks like me.
Yes, she looks like you too, Kelsie. I'm detecting some leftover sibling rivelry...

Kelsie: Well, there doesn't seem to be any sibling rivlery here. Look how well my girls play together.
Yeah, and look how well Savannah is eating the doll. You need to work on that, Kelsie.

So I'm guessing the toddler years are over?
Kelsie: Yes.
For good, right?
Anthony: Oh, you'd better believe it.
Yeah, you can really see the family nose in Savannah now.

Kennedy's growing up quite nicely, I see. Now, what about Seth?

Kelsie: And one, two three...
Aww, what a sweet moment.
Kelsie: I just figured I'd teach him to dance, you know?
Yeah, don't bother teaching him to cook or anything. Teach him to dance.
Kelsie: What was that?

Kennedy: Um, mysterious voice? What's going on? I feel weird...

Savannah: Yeah, me too...whoa...
It's ok, guys. Just relax and let it happen.

And we have one teenager...

Two teenagers...

And three teenagers! Congratulations, Anthony and Kelsie! You've successfully raised seven children without losing your sanity.
Anthony: What do we win?
Kelsie: Anthony, this isn't a game show.
But you do win this fabulous empty nest, as these three will soon be departing for college! And with that, I shall be departing as well. I have to go check in with another family now. Kids, get packing and I'll see you at college!

Well, it looks like everything's going great for you, Kelsie! Who's that lucky guy?
Anthony: Don't you recognize me, mysterious voice?
Of course I do, Anthony. It's just for effect. The nice people may not know who you are.
Kelsie: We just got married.
Well, congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Warner. I'm sorry I missed the ceremony.

Whoa, that was fast!
Kelsie: You're....telling....me....

It's a boy!!!
Congratulations, guys! I'm so happy for you. What's his name?
You guys must be so proud. I know I am. These are the moments that make it a pleasure to be your mysterious voice...
We know he'll grow up so fast, though...

Happy birthday, dear Jason...
And if I may comment on your outfit...
Yes, I'm pregnant again.
Already? You're worse than your sister...

Hey there, Jason!
Jason: Hi!
You sure are a cute one...once again, I'm very proud.
Um...mysterious voice?
Yes, Anthony?
We've got something to tell you...

I can't believe this. You're in labor already? I looked away for like two minutes...
Hey, mysterious voice?
Don't interrupt me when I'm ranting, Anthony.
We really think this is something you should know...

Meet our new son, Shawn...
Ok, congratulations, but I don't see...

And our new daughter, Nicole...
Oh, boy. Here come the multiples. There must be something in the water in this place...

And our other new daughter, Samara.
3? You too, Kelsie? What is it with you Cohen girls and having triplets?
Well, you don't know about Audrey yet..
And I'm sure when we go visit her, she'll have triplets!

Well, one toddler grows up, but you get 3 more at the same time.
Don't remind us...

Well, what a handsome young man you've grown into.
Jason: Thanks, mysterious voice.
And so polite, too. I'm very pleased. Now let's get a look at your brother and sisters...

Say hi to the mysterious voice, Shawn.
Hey, there Shawn! He's certainly a quiet little thing, isn't he?
We're not fighting it...

No, Nicole! Don't eat the xylaphone stick!
Well, it looks like you've got quite the little genius in this one...

Hi, Samara!
Samara: Hi!!
Finally, one responds. Well, I guess you two have your work cut out for you...
We're calling in re-enforcements.

Oh, hi there Rachel! Long time no see.
Rachel: I just stopped by to see my new nieces and nephew.
Shouldn't you be worried about all of your kids?
Rachel: I needed a break. There's only 4 in this house.

So this is pretty much your lives now, huh?
Yeah, pretty much. Come on, Shawn. Come to mommy...
If I were you I'd worry more about teaching him to talk, especialy to the mysterious voice.

How do you like being a big brother, Jason?
Jason: It's good...
They're about to grow up soon. Are you happy about that?
Jason: Not as happy as Mom and Dad are.

Is everybody ready for school tomorrow?
Anthony: Oh, you bet we are....
Kelsie: Actually, we just got the kids into private school!

Good job, guys! Have a great first day!
Samara: Bye, Mom! Bye, Dad! Bye, mysterious voice!
You two must be so proud. I know I am.

So Samara, how was your first day of school?
Samara: It was ok.

What about you, Nicole? I'm glad to see you're not eating xylaphone sticks anymore...
Nicole: Huh?
Never mind. Did you like school?
Nicole: Yeah, I guess.

So I see everyone's discovered the new pool, huh?

Samara: Marco...
Jason: Polo!

Nicole: So all we have to do is get the nanny to try and make us baked alaska for dinner, and she'll...
What are you two doing?

What do you have there, Samara?
Samara: His name is Mustard!
Wow, he's really cute.
Kelsie: Hey, mysterious voice? Have you seen Jason?
Kelsie: Jason, our oldest son?
Oh, him! Yeah, he grew up after he got off the bus and left for college before you got home from work.
Kelsie: What!?
I figured that it would be best that it happened that way-ease the seperation anxiety, you know.

Kelsie: Anthony, now that Jason's out of the house we'll have a lot more time...
You know what? I'm going to go check on the kids. You two seem to be handling the change pretty well...just be careful, you two.

Ok, see, this is the opposite of being careful. Why am I seeing a baby?
Anthony: Because we just had one. It's a girl!
Kelsie: Hold that thought, honey.
Oh, here we go...

Anthony: Ok...it's a girl and a boy!
Kelsie: Hang on...
You have got to be kiddiing me...

Anthony: Make that a boy and two girls.
Unbelievable...Seriously, have you guys had your water supply tested? What are the names?
Kelsie: Well, the boy will be named Seth...
Anthony: And the girls will be named Kennedy and Savannah.

Kelsie: They grow up so fast...
Which one is this? They all looked alike as babies...
Kelsie: This is Kennedy.
I see she shares Nicole's ability to eat inedible objects...
Kelsie: Speaking of Nicole, those three left for college today.
What? We didn't even see them grow up!
Kelsie: We thought it would be easier if you didn't see-to ease the separation anxiety.

Kelsie: And here's little Seth...
He sure looks happy. And I think he's the first blond boy I've seen in this town...
Kelsie: Really? You'd think there would have been at least one other one.
Don't question the mysterious voice, Kelsie.

And I'm guessing this is Savannah?
Anthony: Yup.
She sure does have her mother's nose, doesn't she?
Kelsie: What do you mean?
Nothing, it's just that she looks almost exactly like your sister Rachel.
Kelsie: What do you mean she looks like Rachel? She's my child, she looks like me.
Yes, she looks like you too, Kelsie. I'm detecting some leftover sibling rivelry...

Kelsie: Well, there doesn't seem to be any sibling rivlery here. Look how well my girls play together.
Yeah, and look how well Savannah is eating the doll. You need to work on that, Kelsie.

So I'm guessing the toddler years are over?
Kelsie: Yes.
For good, right?
Anthony: Oh, you'd better believe it.
Yeah, you can really see the family nose in Savannah now.

Kennedy's growing up quite nicely, I see. Now, what about Seth?

Kelsie: And one, two three...
Aww, what a sweet moment.
Kelsie: I just figured I'd teach him to dance, you know?
Yeah, don't bother teaching him to cook or anything. Teach him to dance.
Kelsie: What was that?

Kennedy: Um, mysterious voice? What's going on? I feel weird...

Savannah: Yeah, me too...whoa...
It's ok, guys. Just relax and let it happen.

And we have one teenager...

Two teenagers...

And three teenagers! Congratulations, Anthony and Kelsie! You've successfully raised seven children without losing your sanity.
Anthony: What do we win?
Kelsie: Anthony, this isn't a game show.
But you do win this fabulous empty nest, as these three will soon be departing for college! And with that, I shall be departing as well. I have to go check in with another family now. Kids, get packing and I'll see you at college!
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