Six of One...
When we last left our story, we had just seen Adam and Rachel Marquez's family grow from two to twelve. As you may remember, neither Rachel or Adam were only children. Adam, for instance, had an older sister. Remember Kaylie? 
The last time we saw her, she was saying goodbye to her siblings and getting ready for college. Well, a lot's happened since then. For one thing, she fell in love.

She met Alan McArthur at school, and soon enough...

Love was in the air. On the day before graduation, Alan proposed to Kaylie and she accepted. Now that the two are graduated and about to be married, I think it's time I paid them a vist.

Oh, look. I see we've arrived just in time for the ceremony.

Congratulations, guys!
Kaylie: Why thank you, mysterious voice.
It seems like just yesterday I was watching you learn how to walk...
Alan: What about me?
Kaylie met you at college. I have no memories of you whatsoever.
If it bothers you that much, get in there and get me as attatched to you as I am to your new wife. know, there are some things even a mysterious voice isn't meant to see, and I think wedding nights qualify for that.

Uh-oh...Kaylie, is there something you need to tell us?
Ughhh...I think I ate some bad pork or something...
Um, I don't think that's what going on, dear.

Just as I thought.
I can't believe it! I'm so excited!!!

Still so excited now, Kaylie?
Alan, come quick! The baby's...owwww...coming!

It's a girl!!!
Jordan Alexis!!
Congratulations! I'm so proud...

What a cute little family you guys are...
Thanks, mysterious voice!

Hi, Jordan!
Jordan: Mama...
Oh, that's just the mysterious voice, Jordan. Say hi!
Hi voice!

Whatcha doin' there, Jordan?
She sure loves that thing, doesn't she?
Yeah, it's a fight to drag her away from it. I'm just glad it's building her charisma.

It's her birthday already?
I know, it's hard to believe.

Wow...I look good!
You sure do, Jordan!

So are you ready for school tomorrow?
Oh, yeah.
I wasn't talking to you, Alan.

Oh, boy. Here we go again...

Alan, it's time...
Time for what?
...Time to make a sandwich, Alan. What do you think it's time for?
Brilliant, Alan. Just brilliant.

It's a boy!
What's his name?
Kevin Jacob.
Now we have one of each.
So does that mean you guys are done?

So now the new baby's home and everything is set, right?
Well, not really.
He's still got a big sister to meet...

I don't think you guys have anything to worry about. Hey, Jordan?
What do you think of your new brother?
I like him because he doesn't live in my room.
Well said, Jordan.

Birthday time, huh?
Yup. Blow out the candles, Kevin...

Well, Kevin sure seems to enjoy his big sister's music.
Jordan's getting really good.
Maybe we better get Kevin that xylaphone....

Ok, I'm seeing Kevin about to grow up, and you in a maternity outfit, Kaylie. Care to explain?
Well, they're both growing up so fast...
This seems to be a running theme with you guys.

Hi there, Kevin!
Kevin: Mom, who's that lady who always talks to us?
I'm the mysterious voice, Kevin. That's all you need to know.

They are growing up fast, Kaylie. I'll give you that.

Um, Jordan, we're going to have to have a talk about that outfit.
What? It's not like I picked it out.

Never mind. Your mom just went into labor...

Ok, I'm seeing two cribs and two babies.
That's right.
Mom had twins!!
One boy and one girl.
How are you feeling, Kaylie?
I've felt better...

So kids, what are the new babies' names?
The boy's name is Parker. He's behind us, see?
And the girl's name is Bethany. She's the green baby.
Hey, Jordan? Why is Bethany green?
...Mysterious voice?
Long family history, kids.
Speaking of family history, I think it's time you guys took a family picture.
Can we move now?
Our baby is lying on the ground, here...
Ok, you guys can move. Half of you people haven't been formally introduced yet, anyway. But now do you kids see why your sister is green?

Happy birthday, twins!!! You two ready for twin toddlers?
I'm actually kind of scared...
You should go talk to your brother...

Hi, Parker! You grew up cute. I approve.
Parker: Hi, lady!
And he's not scared of the mysterious voice, either! I have good feelings about this one...

What? Bethany couldn't stay awake to meet the mysterious voice?
She's only a toddler...
I don't care. I have to meet all the new kiddies...

Hey, guys...oh, sorry....

Well, I guess I should have seen that one coming.

Ok, Kaylie, what is it with your family and twins? Your brother had two sets, plus a set of triplets, and now you've had two sets...
We're done now, I swear!
That's what your brother said. So introduce your new babies, guys!
We had two boys this time. I'm holding Joey and Kaylie is holding Matt.
I think you guys are the first family we've see that's had more boys than girls.

Another twin birthday...

Ok, one's dressed for playing in the snow and the other is dressed for a formal banquet...
I know...and we don't even have snow. It seems to be bright an sunny all the time.
Be careful what you wish for, dear.
What do you mean? I didn't wish for...
Never mind, I'll just get back to meeting the boys. Hi there, guys!
.....Well, they seem to be too interested in dancing to meet me. Kaylie, you need to work on that.

And it's time to say goodbye to Jordan-she'll be departing for college now.
1 down...

Bethany: Hello!!! I'm getting bored over here!
Whoa, Bethany! When did you grow up?
Two days before the twins. The other twins, I mean.
It's becoming more special to not be a twin than to be one in this town...
Tell me about it...

I hate homework.
I don't care, Parker. You'd hate being taken by the social worker even more, trust me.
I'm still bored...
I don't care about that, either. Just stop whining.

Look, see? Because you did your homework, I got you a womrat.
He's so cute! Thanks, mysterious voice!
No problem, Beth. What are you going to name it?
....Alright, then.

It's birthday time again!
We survived the toddler years!
6 times over!!!

Matt: Why am I wearing pink?
They're just your pajamas, Matt. Calm down.
But they're pink!!!

Hey, mysterious voice?
Yes, Parker?
I feel funny...
Oh, it's time for you guys to grow up, too! Let's get this show on the road...

What's going on?
You're growing up.

What a lovely young lady you turned out to be, Beth.
Thanks. Why do I have a sudden desire to kiss someone?

Wow, you turned out great, too! You guys know what this means, right?
I get to have a first kiss?
Well, I guess so. But right after that, it's on to college for the two of you! And with that, I'll be leaving you guys alone for awhile. Parker and Beth, we'll see you at Shiz! For the rest of you guys, I'll be back to check up on those boys.
Joey: Llamas rule!!!
What, dad? I didn't get to talk!
Until next time...

The last time we saw her, she was saying goodbye to her siblings and getting ready for college. Well, a lot's happened since then. For one thing, she fell in love.

She met Alan McArthur at school, and soon enough...

Love was in the air. On the day before graduation, Alan proposed to Kaylie and she accepted. Now that the two are graduated and about to be married, I think it's time I paid them a vist.

Oh, look. I see we've arrived just in time for the ceremony.

Congratulations, guys!
Kaylie: Why thank you, mysterious voice.
It seems like just yesterday I was watching you learn how to walk...
Alan: What about me?
Kaylie met you at college. I have no memories of you whatsoever.
If it bothers you that much, get in there and get me as attatched to you as I am to your new wife. know, there are some things even a mysterious voice isn't meant to see, and I think wedding nights qualify for that.

Uh-oh...Kaylie, is there something you need to tell us?
Ughhh...I think I ate some bad pork or something...
Um, I don't think that's what going on, dear.

Just as I thought.
I can't believe it! I'm so excited!!!

Still so excited now, Kaylie?
Alan, come quick! The baby's...owwww...coming!

It's a girl!!!
Jordan Alexis!!
Congratulations! I'm so proud...

What a cute little family you guys are...
Thanks, mysterious voice!

Hi, Jordan!
Jordan: Mama...
Oh, that's just the mysterious voice, Jordan. Say hi!
Hi voice!

Whatcha doin' there, Jordan?
She sure loves that thing, doesn't she?
Yeah, it's a fight to drag her away from it. I'm just glad it's building her charisma.

It's her birthday already?
I know, it's hard to believe.

Wow...I look good!
You sure do, Jordan!

So are you ready for school tomorrow?
Oh, yeah.
I wasn't talking to you, Alan.

Oh, boy. Here we go again...

Alan, it's time...
Time for what?
...Time to make a sandwich, Alan. What do you think it's time for?
Brilliant, Alan. Just brilliant.

It's a boy!
What's his name?
Kevin Jacob.
Now we have one of each.
So does that mean you guys are done?

So now the new baby's home and everything is set, right?
Well, not really.
He's still got a big sister to meet...

I don't think you guys have anything to worry about. Hey, Jordan?
What do you think of your new brother?
I like him because he doesn't live in my room.
Well said, Jordan.

Birthday time, huh?
Yup. Blow out the candles, Kevin...

Well, Kevin sure seems to enjoy his big sister's music.
Jordan's getting really good.
Maybe we better get Kevin that xylaphone....

Ok, I'm seeing Kevin about to grow up, and you in a maternity outfit, Kaylie. Care to explain?
Well, they're both growing up so fast...
This seems to be a running theme with you guys.

Hi there, Kevin!
Kevin: Mom, who's that lady who always talks to us?
I'm the mysterious voice, Kevin. That's all you need to know.

They are growing up fast, Kaylie. I'll give you that.

Um, Jordan, we're going to have to have a talk about that outfit.
What? It's not like I picked it out.

Never mind. Your mom just went into labor...

Ok, I'm seeing two cribs and two babies.
That's right.
Mom had twins!!
One boy and one girl.
How are you feeling, Kaylie?
I've felt better...

So kids, what are the new babies' names?
The boy's name is Parker. He's behind us, see?
And the girl's name is Bethany. She's the green baby.
Hey, Jordan? Why is Bethany green?
...Mysterious voice?
Long family history, kids.

Speaking of family history, I think it's time you guys took a family picture.
Can we move now?
Our baby is lying on the ground, here...
Ok, you guys can move. Half of you people haven't been formally introduced yet, anyway. But now do you kids see why your sister is green?

Happy birthday, twins!!! You two ready for twin toddlers?
I'm actually kind of scared...
You should go talk to your brother...

Hi, Parker! You grew up cute. I approve.
Parker: Hi, lady!
And he's not scared of the mysterious voice, either! I have good feelings about this one...

What? Bethany couldn't stay awake to meet the mysterious voice?
She's only a toddler...
I don't care. I have to meet all the new kiddies...

Hey, guys...oh, sorry....

Well, I guess I should have seen that one coming.

Ok, Kaylie, what is it with your family and twins? Your brother had two sets, plus a set of triplets, and now you've had two sets...
We're done now, I swear!
That's what your brother said. So introduce your new babies, guys!
We had two boys this time. I'm holding Joey and Kaylie is holding Matt.
I think you guys are the first family we've see that's had more boys than girls.

Another twin birthday...

Ok, one's dressed for playing in the snow and the other is dressed for a formal banquet...
I know...and we don't even have snow. It seems to be bright an sunny all the time.
Be careful what you wish for, dear.
What do you mean? I didn't wish for...
Never mind, I'll just get back to meeting the boys. Hi there, guys!
.....Well, they seem to be too interested in dancing to meet me. Kaylie, you need to work on that.

And it's time to say goodbye to Jordan-she'll be departing for college now.
1 down...

Bethany: Hello!!! I'm getting bored over here!
Whoa, Bethany! When did you grow up?
Two days before the twins. The other twins, I mean.
It's becoming more special to not be a twin than to be one in this town...
Tell me about it...

I hate homework.
I don't care, Parker. You'd hate being taken by the social worker even more, trust me.
I'm still bored...
I don't care about that, either. Just stop whining.

Look, see? Because you did your homework, I got you a womrat.
He's so cute! Thanks, mysterious voice!
No problem, Beth. What are you going to name it?
....Alright, then.

It's birthday time again!
We survived the toddler years!
6 times over!!!

Matt: Why am I wearing pink?
They're just your pajamas, Matt. Calm down.
But they're pink!!!

Hey, mysterious voice?
Yes, Parker?
I feel funny...
Oh, it's time for you guys to grow up, too! Let's get this show on the road...

What's going on?
You're growing up.

What a lovely young lady you turned out to be, Beth.
Thanks. Why do I have a sudden desire to kiss someone?

Wow, you turned out great, too! You guys know what this means, right?
I get to have a first kiss?
Well, I guess so. But right after that, it's on to college for the two of you! And with that, I'll be leaving you guys alone for awhile. Parker and Beth, we'll see you at Shiz! For the rest of you guys, I'll be back to check up on those boys.
Joey: Llamas rule!!!
What, dad? I didn't get to talk!
Until next time...
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