A is for...
Hi, there! This is your faithful mysterious voice, bringing you another update from the Alphabet City! Today we're going to be catching up with Christopher Warner, the second child of Vanessa Rose and Malcom Warner. He's just graduated from college, and word has it he's found a new bride in a certain young Marquez girl...

Hi, Chris! Hi, Brooke!
Chris: Hey, mysterious voice!
Did you guys have fun in college?
Brooke: Yeah, but where were you? Why didn't you follow us there?
Brooke, are you aware of just how many brothers and sisters you have? I was a little busy at your house. I'm not even done there yet. I have to go back!
Chris: Um, mysterious voice? Could we have some privacy? It's our wedding night...
Oh, say no more! I'll leave you two alone. See you in the morning.

Good morning, Brooke!
Brooke: I can't believe this is happening already.
I can.

Brooke: Owwww!!!!
Isn't the miracle of birth beautiful?

It's a girl! Congratulations!!! (throws pink confetti...)
Brooke: Whoa...hang on...

Ok, it's two girls! Twice as much pink confetti!!!
Brooke: Um....I don't think...whoa, boy!

Alrighty then...three girls! Even more confetti!
Brooke: No, hold that thought...
You have got to be kidding me...

Ok, the final count: Three girls and one boy!...right?
Brooke:....yeah, that's it!
Chris: I can't believe this!
You know, if your neighbors Jesse and Karynne hadn't just had four kids at once too I would agree with you.

Is it happy birthday time already?
Brooke: Times four!

Ok, it's time to introduce me to the little ones.
Chris: You already met them as babies, didn't you?
Yeah, but they all looked alike then. I can actually tell them apart now.
Chris: Well, the redhead is Adina and the brunette is Abigail.
Ok, Adina and Abby. Got it.

These two should be easier to tell apart.
Chris: Yup. This is Alexis and Avery.
You had to pick unisex names, didn't you?
Chris: Avery's the boy, Alexis is the girl.
Got it.

Well Alexis sure seems happy.
Brooke: We've been calling her Lexi.
Makes the names seem less similar, doesn't it?
Brooke: You know, naming them all with A's seemed like a good idea at the time...

So this is your life now, right?
Chris: There's four of them.
Well, it could be worse.
Brooke: How?
You could have five.

Hi there Abby!
Abigail: Hi voice!
Well, she knows who I am. That's a good sign.

Poor Avery. The only boy.
Chris: Yeah...
They grow up soon, right?
Chris: Four hours, twenty three minutes.

And it's our first school breakfast!!
Brooke: Smile, Adina!

Well I can see Lexi is going to be my little camera hog...

You don't look too happy, Abby.
Abigail: I'm nervous...
Ahh, don't be nervous. You'll do fine. I'll make sure of it.

You nervous too, Avery?
Avery: No.
I bet you're just happy to hang out with other boys at school.

And here we go, off to our first day of school!!! Yay!
Brooke: I'm so proud of them...
They seemed kind of nervous, though.
Chris: They're going to get a surprise when they get home, though.

Chris: Mysterious voice, meet Sizzle!
Aww, how adorable. But I've got to say, that's an odd name for a snow white cat.

Alexis: A kitty!!!!
I don't think Lexi seems to mind, though.

Ok, you guys can play with Sizzle later. Now it's homework time.
Alexis: I I I I...W W W W...I'm getting good at this!!

Alexis: Don't I look pretty, mysterious voice?
I knew you were going to be a little camera hog, Alexis. Come on, I need to get some pictures of your sisters and brother.
Alexis: Ok...

Alexis: This better?
A little, I guess...

Oh, there's the other two. Ok, it looks like everyone's getting along great.

Really, Brooke? You're taking after your parents.
Brooke: Don't worry, I'm not going to have that many.
Well you're going to have at least 5. You're halfway there.

Oh, Sizzle's all grown up! Hey Sizzle, get off Abby's bed!

Abigail: I love my kitty!!
I know you do, and you look very cute holding her. But shouldn't you be getting to bed?
Abigail: Ok...

Oh, dear. Looks like you didn't make it...
Brooke: Mysterious voice!!!!

Oh, boy! Here we go again...what's the virdict this time?

Chris: Two more! Meet Destiny...

Chris: And Eddie.
Well two will seem like nothing compared to four, right?
Brooke: I guess so. And Avery isn't the only boy anymore.

Happy birthday, twins!!

Brooke: Destiny's so adorable, isn't she?
Yeah, but she's not the brightest girl. Hey Destiny, your hand is not food.

Ok, one is eating her body parts and one is killing the cat. Great job, you two!
Brooke: Eddie! Be gentle with Sizzle!!!

At least the big brother and sisters are doing a good job.

Hey, when did you guys grow up?
Abigail: Just a little while ago. Didn't you see?
No, I was too busy trying to stop Eddie from killing Sizzle.

And the twins are kids, too? Wow, time flies by doesn't it?
Brooke: At least Alexis is sharing the spotlight now.

Why do you look so evil, Destiny?
Destiny: I have a plan...

Destiny: Hey Eddie, look over there!!!
Eddie: What?
Destiny, that was not very nice!!!

Ok, playtime is over! Time for homework, everyone. The kids need to get their grades up and the teens need to get ready for college! They leave soon.
Alexis: Really?
Yup. And then you can graduate, and get your own house with your own blog where you can hog the spotlight all you want. But for now, I'm afraid I must leave you all.
Brooke: Already?
Don't worry. I'll be back to check up on those twins. You'd better watch yourself, Destiny. Until next time, this is the mysterious voice. Good luck in school guys! Bye!

Hi, Chris! Hi, Brooke!
Chris: Hey, mysterious voice!
Did you guys have fun in college?
Brooke: Yeah, but where were you? Why didn't you follow us there?
Brooke, are you aware of just how many brothers and sisters you have? I was a little busy at your house. I'm not even done there yet. I have to go back!
Chris: Um, mysterious voice? Could we have some privacy? It's our wedding night...
Oh, say no more! I'll leave you two alone. See you in the morning.

Good morning, Brooke!
Brooke: I can't believe this is happening already.
I can.

Brooke: Owwww!!!!
Isn't the miracle of birth beautiful?

It's a girl! Congratulations!!! (throws pink confetti...)
Brooke: Whoa...hang on...

Ok, it's two girls! Twice as much pink confetti!!!
Brooke: Um....I don't think...whoa, boy!

Alrighty then...three girls! Even more confetti!
Brooke: No, hold that thought...
You have got to be kidding me...

Ok, the final count: Three girls and one boy!...right?
Brooke:....yeah, that's it!
Chris: I can't believe this!
You know, if your neighbors Jesse and Karynne hadn't just had four kids at once too I would agree with you.

Is it happy birthday time already?
Brooke: Times four!

Ok, it's time to introduce me to the little ones.
Chris: You already met them as babies, didn't you?
Yeah, but they all looked alike then. I can actually tell them apart now.
Chris: Well, the redhead is Adina and the brunette is Abigail.
Ok, Adina and Abby. Got it.

These two should be easier to tell apart.
Chris: Yup. This is Alexis and Avery.
You had to pick unisex names, didn't you?
Chris: Avery's the boy, Alexis is the girl.
Got it.

Well Alexis sure seems happy.
Brooke: We've been calling her Lexi.
Makes the names seem less similar, doesn't it?
Brooke: You know, naming them all with A's seemed like a good idea at the time...

So this is your life now, right?
Chris: There's four of them.
Well, it could be worse.
Brooke: How?
You could have five.

Hi there Abby!
Abigail: Hi voice!
Well, she knows who I am. That's a good sign.

Poor Avery. The only boy.
Chris: Yeah...
They grow up soon, right?
Chris: Four hours, twenty three minutes.

And it's our first school breakfast!!
Brooke: Smile, Adina!

Well I can see Lexi is going to be my little camera hog...

You don't look too happy, Abby.
Abigail: I'm nervous...
Ahh, don't be nervous. You'll do fine. I'll make sure of it.

You nervous too, Avery?
Avery: No.
I bet you're just happy to hang out with other boys at school.

And here we go, off to our first day of school!!! Yay!
Brooke: I'm so proud of them...
They seemed kind of nervous, though.
Chris: They're going to get a surprise when they get home, though.

Chris: Mysterious voice, meet Sizzle!
Aww, how adorable. But I've got to say, that's an odd name for a snow white cat.

Alexis: A kitty!!!!
I don't think Lexi seems to mind, though.

Ok, you guys can play with Sizzle later. Now it's homework time.
Alexis: I I I I...W W W W...I'm getting good at this!!

Alexis: Don't I look pretty, mysterious voice?
I knew you were going to be a little camera hog, Alexis. Come on, I need to get some pictures of your sisters and brother.
Alexis: Ok...

Alexis: This better?
A little, I guess...

Oh, there's the other two. Ok, it looks like everyone's getting along great.

Really, Brooke? You're taking after your parents.
Brooke: Don't worry, I'm not going to have that many.
Well you're going to have at least 5. You're halfway there.

Oh, Sizzle's all grown up! Hey Sizzle, get off Abby's bed!

Abigail: I love my kitty!!
I know you do, and you look very cute holding her. But shouldn't you be getting to bed?
Abigail: Ok...

Oh, dear. Looks like you didn't make it...
Brooke: Mysterious voice!!!!

Oh, boy! Here we go again...what's the virdict this time?

Chris: Two more! Meet Destiny...

Chris: And Eddie.
Well two will seem like nothing compared to four, right?
Brooke: I guess so. And Avery isn't the only boy anymore.

Happy birthday, twins!!

Brooke: Destiny's so adorable, isn't she?
Yeah, but she's not the brightest girl. Hey Destiny, your hand is not food.

Ok, one is eating her body parts and one is killing the cat. Great job, you two!
Brooke: Eddie! Be gentle with Sizzle!!!

At least the big brother and sisters are doing a good job.

Hey, when did you guys grow up?
Abigail: Just a little while ago. Didn't you see?
No, I was too busy trying to stop Eddie from killing Sizzle.

And the twins are kids, too? Wow, time flies by doesn't it?
Brooke: At least Alexis is sharing the spotlight now.

Why do you look so evil, Destiny?
Destiny: I have a plan...

Destiny: Hey Eddie, look over there!!!
Eddie: What?
Destiny, that was not very nice!!!

Ok, playtime is over! Time for homework, everyone. The kids need to get their grades up and the teens need to get ready for college! They leave soon.
Alexis: Really?
Yup. And then you can graduate, and get your own house with your own blog where you can hog the spotlight all you want. But for now, I'm afraid I must leave you all.
Brooke: Already?
Don't worry. I'll be back to check up on those twins. You'd better watch yourself, Destiny. Until next time, this is the mysterious voice. Good luck in school guys! Bye!
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