Revenge of the Nannies...
Hello, hello, hello! It's your friendly mysterious voice here, with another Alphabet City saga. Last time, we visited with the second Mendoza child, Regan, so now let's go see what her twin brother Ryan's been up to. He just graduated from college, as far as I know...

Oh, good. We're in time for the wedding. Is that my little Karah you're marrying?
Ryan: Yeah.
I think you guys have to be the cutest couple ever! Go on, go on your honeymoon.

Wow, that must have been some wedding night, Karah!
Karah: I don't know if I'm ready for a baby yet...
Don't worry, you have three days to get ready...
Karah: Oh, that's comforting....

Karah: I think it's time.....
Do you feel ready now?
Karah: Not...owwwww...really.

What? It's the birthday already?
Karah: Jonathan's been a very demanding baby...
So it's a boy?
Karah: Of course, isn't that obvious?
You'd be surprised.

Well, I see he has the family cheekbones, just like his dad.

What a cute little froggy!!
Karah: He sure is.

Happy birthday to you...
Ryan: Thanks for coming!
You know, this might just be my opinion but the rotting grilled cheese doesn't really do much for the mood...

Happy Birthday, Jonathan!
Jonathan: Thanks, mysterious voice!
Wow, he knows who I am already. That puts him ahead of all the kids so far...

Another one on the way, Karah?
Karah: Well, Jonathan is in school all day, and I've been working nights...
Ok, I'm going to put together a mandatory seminar on why bordom does not equal babies...

A baby girl?
Karah: Her name is Hope.
How sweet....

What is it with you people and leaving food out during birthdays?

Hope certainly is a cutie...

But she doesn't appear to be the brightest crayon in the box.
Karah: Hope, don't grab the fire!
Anyway, happy birthday to you...

Look at you, all ready for school!
Hope: I can't wait!
I bet your parents can't either...

Another birthday? Time sure moves fast...
Jonathan: Aren't you going to sing for me? You sang for Hope...
Fine. Happy birthday to you...

Jonathan: Wow, I look pretty good!
You sure do. I can see a great future for you...
Karah: Hey, mysterious voice!!

Whoa, Karah! When did you get pregnant again?
Karah: 3 days ago...
Well, duh...

Well, judging by the room I'm guessing another girl?
Karah: Yes, this is little Ashley.
Hey Ryan, what's with the lab coat?
Ryan: Oh, it's for my new job. They gave me an awesome reward yesterday. It's on the lawn-go check it out!

Ok, two questions. What is that thing and why is it sniffing the nanny?
Karah: It's sniffing the nanny? Ryan, you were supposed to feed it!
Ryan: Oops...

Um, that's a pretty big oops, Ryan.
Karah: We're getting rid of the plant.
Ryan: What? Why?
Karah: Ryan, I am not going to raise children in a house with a man-eating plant in the front yard!

Trying to get a date, Jonathan?
Jonathan: Yeah, I want to fall in love.
Well, can you put that off for another day? It's your sister's birthday.
Jonathan: Which one?
Ashely's. Come on, you have to help.

Happy birthday dear Ashley, happy birthday to you!
Jonathan: Why am I doing this?
Your parents are getting rid of that plant in your front yard.

Yay! Ashley's a toddler!!! But I'm not crazy about the tux...

There we go. What a cutie.
Karah: We're home.
Ryan: I can't believe you made me get rid of Bessie...
Karah: You named it?
You know, I think this would be a perfect time for a family portrait...

Ok, not everyone is looking at the camera but whatever...

You got a dog?
Karah: We thought it was time for a pet that didn't eat our babysitters.

I don't think there's much danger there...
Ryan: I still miss Bessie...

Hope: And a one, and a two...
What a good big sister you are, Hope!

And you're making friends, too! That's great!

And now it's time for Jonathan to go to college.
Jonathan: Are you going to go with me?
I need to hang out here with your sisters, but I'll see you when you graduate!

And look who's ready for school!

How'd it go, Ashley?
Ashley: Ok, I guess. Not great, though.
It's gonna get better. Just wait.

Wow Hope, you sure grew up well!
Hope: I'm not the only one...

Wow, that's an interesting dalmation there.
Karah: Well, she is mixed breed...
At least she's not eating people. Did you guys ever get a new nanny?
Karah: Yes, but...

Karah: They all end up quitting on us. Thankfully Hope can babysit now.
Not for long, though. She's leaving for college, remember?

And your having another baby? Karah, come on!

Karah: We've got another boy! Meet Dustin!

He is adorable, Karah.

Atta girl, Ashley! Build those skill points!

Ashley: Guess what, Mom? I got an A+!
Karah: Great job, baby!

Um, Ryan, what is that thing you're holding?
Ryan: It's Tigger, my new kitten.

Happy birthday to you...
Karah: Our last baby...
You're sure about that now, right?

Ryan: Ok, time to start potty training.

Shouldn't you be dealing with the cat, Ryan?

Oh, never mind. I see Buttercup thinks the kitten is a puppy.
Karah: I'm not gonna ask.

Ryan: At least Buttercup seems to get along with Dustin.
And at least we know that Buttercup isn't going to eat him, unlike other pets we've had...

Karah: Come on, Dustin. Talk for Mommy, please?

Well it looks like you're having better luck teaching him to walk, Ryan.

Hey, Dustin!
Dustin: Hi!
You sure love Buttercup, don't you?

I wisht I could say the same for your father right about now...
Ryan: Buttercup, stay in the bathtub!

Well, it's about time for me to leave you all.
Ashley: But me and Dustin grow up tonight! Can't you just stay...
No, no, no. I have many other people to annoy. Don't worry, I'll come back to watch all the birthday fun. Until next time, this the mysterious voice saying if your pet is eating people, it may be time for a different pet. Bye, everyone!

Oh, good. We're in time for the wedding. Is that my little Karah you're marrying?
Ryan: Yeah.
I think you guys have to be the cutest couple ever! Go on, go on your honeymoon.

Wow, that must have been some wedding night, Karah!
Karah: I don't know if I'm ready for a baby yet...
Don't worry, you have three days to get ready...
Karah: Oh, that's comforting....

Karah: I think it's time.....
Do you feel ready now?
Karah: Not...owwwww...really.

What? It's the birthday already?
Karah: Jonathan's been a very demanding baby...
So it's a boy?
Karah: Of course, isn't that obvious?
You'd be surprised.

Well, I see he has the family cheekbones, just like his dad.

What a cute little froggy!!
Karah: He sure is.

Happy birthday to you...
Ryan: Thanks for coming!
You know, this might just be my opinion but the rotting grilled cheese doesn't really do much for the mood...

Happy Birthday, Jonathan!
Jonathan: Thanks, mysterious voice!
Wow, he knows who I am already. That puts him ahead of all the kids so far...

Another one on the way, Karah?
Karah: Well, Jonathan is in school all day, and I've been working nights...
Ok, I'm going to put together a mandatory seminar on why bordom does not equal babies...

A baby girl?
Karah: Her name is Hope.
How sweet....

What is it with you people and leaving food out during birthdays?

Hope certainly is a cutie...

But she doesn't appear to be the brightest crayon in the box.
Karah: Hope, don't grab the fire!
Anyway, happy birthday to you...

Look at you, all ready for school!
Hope: I can't wait!
I bet your parents can't either...

Another birthday? Time sure moves fast...
Jonathan: Aren't you going to sing for me? You sang for Hope...
Fine. Happy birthday to you...

Jonathan: Wow, I look pretty good!
You sure do. I can see a great future for you...
Karah: Hey, mysterious voice!!

Whoa, Karah! When did you get pregnant again?
Karah: 3 days ago...
Well, duh...

Well, judging by the room I'm guessing another girl?
Karah: Yes, this is little Ashley.
Hey Ryan, what's with the lab coat?
Ryan: Oh, it's for my new job. They gave me an awesome reward yesterday. It's on the lawn-go check it out!

Ok, two questions. What is that thing and why is it sniffing the nanny?
Karah: It's sniffing the nanny? Ryan, you were supposed to feed it!
Ryan: Oops...

Um, that's a pretty big oops, Ryan.
Karah: We're getting rid of the plant.
Ryan: What? Why?
Karah: Ryan, I am not going to raise children in a house with a man-eating plant in the front yard!

Trying to get a date, Jonathan?
Jonathan: Yeah, I want to fall in love.
Well, can you put that off for another day? It's your sister's birthday.
Jonathan: Which one?
Ashely's. Come on, you have to help.

Happy birthday dear Ashley, happy birthday to you!
Jonathan: Why am I doing this?
Your parents are getting rid of that plant in your front yard.

Yay! Ashley's a toddler!!! But I'm not crazy about the tux...

There we go. What a cutie.
Karah: We're home.
Ryan: I can't believe you made me get rid of Bessie...
Karah: You named it?
You know, I think this would be a perfect time for a family portrait...

Ok, not everyone is looking at the camera but whatever...

You got a dog?
Karah: We thought it was time for a pet that didn't eat our babysitters.

I don't think there's much danger there...
Ryan: I still miss Bessie...

Hope: And a one, and a two...
What a good big sister you are, Hope!

And you're making friends, too! That's great!

And now it's time for Jonathan to go to college.
Jonathan: Are you going to go with me?
I need to hang out here with your sisters, but I'll see you when you graduate!

And look who's ready for school!

How'd it go, Ashley?
Ashley: Ok, I guess. Not great, though.
It's gonna get better. Just wait.

Wow Hope, you sure grew up well!
Hope: I'm not the only one...

Wow, that's an interesting dalmation there.
Karah: Well, she is mixed breed...
At least she's not eating people. Did you guys ever get a new nanny?
Karah: Yes, but...

Karah: They all end up quitting on us. Thankfully Hope can babysit now.
Not for long, though. She's leaving for college, remember?

And your having another baby? Karah, come on!

Karah: We've got another boy! Meet Dustin!

He is adorable, Karah.

Atta girl, Ashley! Build those skill points!

Ashley: Guess what, Mom? I got an A+!
Karah: Great job, baby!

Um, Ryan, what is that thing you're holding?
Ryan: It's Tigger, my new kitten.

Happy birthday to you...
Karah: Our last baby...
You're sure about that now, right?

Ryan: Ok, time to start potty training.

Shouldn't you be dealing with the cat, Ryan?

Oh, never mind. I see Buttercup thinks the kitten is a puppy.
Karah: I'm not gonna ask.

Ryan: At least Buttercup seems to get along with Dustin.
And at least we know that Buttercup isn't going to eat him, unlike other pets we've had...

Karah: Come on, Dustin. Talk for Mommy, please?

Well it looks like you're having better luck teaching him to walk, Ryan.

Hey, Dustin!
Dustin: Hi!
You sure love Buttercup, don't you?

I wisht I could say the same for your father right about now...
Ryan: Buttercup, stay in the bathtub!

Well, it's about time for me to leave you all.
Ashley: But me and Dustin grow up tonight! Can't you just stay...
No, no, no. I have many other people to annoy. Don't worry, I'll come back to watch all the birthday fun. Until next time, this the mysterious voice saying if your pet is eating people, it may be time for a different pet. Bye, everyone!
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