The Meaning of Risky...
Hello, hello! This is the mysterious voice with another rousing update from the Alphabet City. Today we'll be visiting with Aaron Jefferson and Audrey Cohen. They just graduated from college, and they just moved onto their own property...

So apparently you decided to get married before the house is built... what's up with the quickie wedding?
Audrey: We didn't want to make a fuss or anything.
Aaron: We thought we'd get this out of the way.

That's better. Now you've got a kitchen!!
Audrey: This really is a great house. And we have another surprise.
Really? What?
Aaron: You'll find out tomorrow.
You know, it's not a good idea to keep secrets from the mysterious voice, guys.

Ok, I'm seeing you holding a little boy...
Aaron: This is Louis, our new son.
You adopted a kid? Without consulting the mysterious voice?

He is quite cute, though!
Audrey: He's a great little boy.

Happy birthday, Louis!

Louis: Wow, my hands are awesome.
You might want to keep an eye on this one...
Audrey: Guess what, mysterious voice?

Guys, I'm seeing another child...
Audrey: Meet Jennifer, our new daughter.
I told you I don't like surprises, guys!

Aaron: But come on, this surprise is adorable!
I'll give you that...

Louis, are you trying to rip off her head?
Louis: I'm tickling her...

Audrey: Come on, Jenny. Walk for me...

Happy birthday, Jennifer!
Audrey: Watch out! Don't grab the candles!!
Another one...

Hi, Jenny!
Jennifer: Hi!
Ready for school?
Jennifer: I guess so...

How sweet. You guys have the perfect little family, don't you? Guys? Guys...


You're pregnant?
Audrey: Not...for...much...longer!
Did you guys plan this?
Aaron: Not really. We were so careful.
Well, that's not always enough.
Aaron: Whoa!

Aaron: Mysterious voice, I'd like to introduce you to Justin...
A little boy! Awesome!

Aaron: And Jackson...
Two little boys! Great!

Aaron: And Dawn.
You've got to be kidding me...
Audrey: Nope. We've got three babies.
Ok, you guys wait here-I'm going to go play real-estate agent and find you a bigger house.

Here you go guys! Your new home.
Audrey: Great!
Um...where's Dawn?
Aaron: Well we each can only hold one baby.
So you left your baby on the lawn somewhere? Great parenting, guys.

Wow, Aaron. You certainly look happy for a man who's about to have three toddlers at one time.

Oh, hey Jennifer. I kind of forgot you were here.

One toddler...

Two toddlers...

Three toddlers! Gee, doesn't he look interesting....

Let the teaching begin!!!

Jennifer: Hello!! Remember me? I got an A+ here!!!
Great job, Jenny!

Audrey, please tell me that you have food poisoning.

Jennifer: Hey, mysterious voice! Watch me play piano!
Wish I could, sweetie, but your I've got to go check out your mom.

Nope, not food poisoning, huh?
Audrey: I just don't get it. We were...
I know, I know. You were so careful.

Jennifer: So you're having another baby?
Yeah, I can't believe it either, Jennifer.

Wow, even little Dawn is worried.

Um, why is Dawn holding a puppy?

Audrey: This is Nellie, our new dog.
You got a dog? Are you nuts?
Audrey: What?
Hey, you did it to yourself...

Audrey:'s coming!

Aaron: Come on, honey! You can do it!!

Aaron: It's a girl!!
Audrey: Hang on, I don't think we're done yet!

Audrey: Ok, make that a girl and a boy! Meet April and Austin.
Wow. You know what? Just thinking about having one kid, three toddlers, and two babies is making me tired. I need a break from you guys.
Aaron: You're just leaving us here?
Yup. And by the way, Justin's playing in the toilet again.
Until next time, this is the mysterious voice saying when you have four kids and two on the way, it's a bad time to get a dog.

So apparently you decided to get married before the house is built... what's up with the quickie wedding?
Audrey: We didn't want to make a fuss or anything.
Aaron: We thought we'd get this out of the way.

That's better. Now you've got a kitchen!!
Audrey: This really is a great house. And we have another surprise.
Really? What?
Aaron: You'll find out tomorrow.
You know, it's not a good idea to keep secrets from the mysterious voice, guys.

Ok, I'm seeing you holding a little boy...
Aaron: This is Louis, our new son.
You adopted a kid? Without consulting the mysterious voice?

He is quite cute, though!
Audrey: He's a great little boy.

Happy birthday, Louis!

Louis: Wow, my hands are awesome.
You might want to keep an eye on this one...
Audrey: Guess what, mysterious voice?

Guys, I'm seeing another child...
Audrey: Meet Jennifer, our new daughter.
I told you I don't like surprises, guys!

Aaron: But come on, this surprise is adorable!
I'll give you that...

Louis, are you trying to rip off her head?
Louis: I'm tickling her...

Audrey: Come on, Jenny. Walk for me...

Happy birthday, Jennifer!
Audrey: Watch out! Don't grab the candles!!
Another one...

Hi, Jenny!
Jennifer: Hi!
Ready for school?
Jennifer: I guess so...

How sweet. You guys have the perfect little family, don't you? Guys? Guys...


You're pregnant?
Audrey: Not...for...much...longer!
Did you guys plan this?
Aaron: Not really. We were so careful.
Well, that's not always enough.
Aaron: Whoa!

Aaron: Mysterious voice, I'd like to introduce you to Justin...
A little boy! Awesome!

Aaron: And Jackson...
Two little boys! Great!

Aaron: And Dawn.
You've got to be kidding me...
Audrey: Nope. We've got three babies.
Ok, you guys wait here-I'm going to go play real-estate agent and find you a bigger house.

Here you go guys! Your new home.
Audrey: Great!
Um...where's Dawn?
Aaron: Well we each can only hold one baby.
So you left your baby on the lawn somewhere? Great parenting, guys.

Wow, Aaron. You certainly look happy for a man who's about to have three toddlers at one time.

Oh, hey Jennifer. I kind of forgot you were here.

One toddler...

Two toddlers...

Three toddlers! Gee, doesn't he look interesting....

Let the teaching begin!!!

Jennifer: Hello!! Remember me? I got an A+ here!!!
Great job, Jenny!

Audrey, please tell me that you have food poisoning.

Jennifer: Hey, mysterious voice! Watch me play piano!
Wish I could, sweetie, but your I've got to go check out your mom.

Nope, not food poisoning, huh?
Audrey: I just don't get it. We were...
I know, I know. You were so careful.

Jennifer: So you're having another baby?
Yeah, I can't believe it either, Jennifer.

Wow, even little Dawn is worried.

Um, why is Dawn holding a puppy?

Audrey: This is Nellie, our new dog.
You got a dog? Are you nuts?
Audrey: What?
Hey, you did it to yourself...

Audrey:'s coming!

Aaron: Come on, honey! You can do it!!

Aaron: It's a girl!!
Audrey: Hang on, I don't think we're done yet!

Audrey: Ok, make that a girl and a boy! Meet April and Austin.
Wow. You know what? Just thinking about having one kid, three toddlers, and two babies is making me tired. I need a break from you guys.
Aaron: You're just leaving us here?
Yup. And by the way, Justin's playing in the toilet again.
Until next time, this is the mysterious voice saying when you have four kids and two on the way, it's a bad time to get a dog.
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