An "R-rated" Story...
Hi there, mysterious voice here continuing my observations on the Alphabet City residents. Today we're dropping in on Rosario Davis...

Hey, Rosario. Wait a minute...who are you?
Rosario: This is Randy, my new husband.
Husband? Really? Well, congratulations I guess.
Randy: You guess?
Your worth has yet to be proven, Randy.

Well, you cooked Rosario a nice dinner. That's a good start for you.

Randy: You ok, honey? You don't look so good.
Your stupidity doesn't sit well with my, Randy.

Now do you understand what's going on, Randy?

Whoa, what are you doing there, Rosario?
Rosario: Having some cheesecake. I just learned how to make it and I'm starving.
Just be careful with that stuff. I've heard it has some strange side effects if your pregnant.
Rosario: Oh, that's rediculous.

Rosario: Being pregnant is boring...
Don't worry, it won't be much longer...

Rosario: Owww!!!
See? I told you...

Rosario: I have a beautiful baby boy...
Oh, that's great...
Rosario: Hold on a minute...

Rosario: Make that two baby boys.
See? I told you to be careful with the cheesecake.
Rosario: Oh, the cheesecake had nothing to do with this.
Sure, Rosario. Hey, Randy, you want to meet your sons?

So which one are you holding?
Randy: Um...honey?
Rosario: That's Raymond.
Randy, you're not impressing me so far.

But you are good with the babies, I'll admit...even if you don't know who they are.

Rosario: Have a good nap, Roman. Mommy loves you...
Well you guys don't seem to be having any problems with the twins do you?

Even Randy's helping with the diapers.

Oh, there's a close up of Roman. Why is he on the floor?
Randy: What? It's carpet!
Randy, you are on thin ice.

Happy Birthday time!!!

Ok, there's Roman...where's the other one?
Rosario: Randy, you were supposed to keep track of Raymond...
Randy: He's around here somewhere, I swear...
Great. These kids have been mobile for less than an hour and already dear old Dad has lost one of them.

There we go...there's Raymond.
Rosario: Oh, there you are! Randy, you have to watch them better!
You know what, I think it's about time I moved on for a little while. I'll be back to check up on the boys-assuming Randy hasn't lost them both by then.
Randy: Bye, mysterious voice! See you soon!
We'll see about that, Randy.

Hey, Rosario. Wait a minute...who are you?
Rosario: This is Randy, my new husband.
Husband? Really? Well, congratulations I guess.
Randy: You guess?
Your worth has yet to be proven, Randy.

Well, you cooked Rosario a nice dinner. That's a good start for you.

Randy: You ok, honey? You don't look so good.
Your stupidity doesn't sit well with my, Randy.

Now do you understand what's going on, Randy?

Whoa, what are you doing there, Rosario?
Rosario: Having some cheesecake. I just learned how to make it and I'm starving.
Just be careful with that stuff. I've heard it has some strange side effects if your pregnant.
Rosario: Oh, that's rediculous.

Rosario: Being pregnant is boring...
Don't worry, it won't be much longer...

Rosario: Owww!!!
See? I told you...

Rosario: I have a beautiful baby boy...
Oh, that's great...
Rosario: Hold on a minute...

Rosario: Make that two baby boys.
See? I told you to be careful with the cheesecake.
Rosario: Oh, the cheesecake had nothing to do with this.
Sure, Rosario. Hey, Randy, you want to meet your sons?

So which one are you holding?
Randy: Um...honey?
Rosario: That's Raymond.
Randy, you're not impressing me so far.

But you are good with the babies, I'll admit...even if you don't know who they are.

Rosario: Have a good nap, Roman. Mommy loves you...
Well you guys don't seem to be having any problems with the twins do you?

Even Randy's helping with the diapers.

Oh, there's a close up of Roman. Why is he on the floor?
Randy: What? It's carpet!
Randy, you are on thin ice.

Happy Birthday time!!!

Ok, there's Roman...where's the other one?
Rosario: Randy, you were supposed to keep track of Raymond...
Randy: He's around here somewhere, I swear...
Great. These kids have been mobile for less than an hour and already dear old Dad has lost one of them.

There we go...there's Raymond.
Rosario: Oh, there you are! Randy, you have to watch them better!
You know what, I think it's about time I moved on for a little while. I'll be back to check up on the boys-assuming Randy hasn't lost them both by then.
Randy: Bye, mysterious voice! See you soon!
We'll see about that, Randy.